it was today and i'm a 10th grader coming into a brand new school :(
i know it's childish and immature to cry this much about such petty things. but the other people don't seem to like it, allday i tried to approach them and say hi and stuff and they'd just say hi and walk away rather than just stay a few minutes with me... also everybody stared at me all day, i mean i know i'm new but last time i checked staring was still considered rude (i'm not a zoo animal!!)
then at the end of the day there were some kids calling me over to spend a bit of time with them but when i came over they really wouldn't include me in the conversation, even when i tried myself to talk to them, they wouldn't respond to me!!!
what's wrong with me? is this normal? help!!! i can't stop crying over my horrid first day and move on to the second day and the weeks/months ahead [hopefully with friends by then]