
I need help, i hit myself when i'm mad.....?

by  |  earlier

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and i'm worried children's services will try to take my son because of this!! i have been stressed out lately. my son is driving me nuts. all the questions he asks..."when are you going to teach me how to drive?" "can i stay up late tonight?" "can we get a dog?" "can my BFF spend the night?" a mother can only take so much. when i get stressed, i hit myself to show my boy i am upset. i also think about his father who left us right after the birth of my son 23 years ago. sometimes i miss him, but he had to go. do you think there is anyway he could come back and try to take custody of my boy? i am a good mother, just under some stress. thanks all.




  1. you need to continue to hit yourself to show your son that you mean business!  but be careful because his father can still take custody of your 23 year old little boy!  

  2. There are great options for stress like that. counseling is always helpful and if anxiety problems are drastic there are perscribed drugs that can help

  3. You  should turn yourself in for abuse and seek the counseling you so desperately need. You need to take out a restraining order against yourself. You shouldn't have to put up with this abuse. Stand up for yourself.

  4. It's time!

  5. Well....if you did get the dog, you would have something else to beat up on other than yourself.

  6. I have no children, but I know what you're talking about when it comes to getting so angry that you have to show it through hitting yourself. Try calming down, tell yourself that this is just a part of your son growing up. I don't think children's services will take your son away.

  7. Well, hon, don't blame yourself. A mother can only do so much. It sounds like he is the one with major issues here. And BFF's only add fuel to the fire. You need to rid yourself of that! Perhaps one of my books might shed some insight into this for you. I'll get autographed copies right out.

  8. u have the answer .. "i am a good mother, just under some stress. thanks all"

    simple questions have simple answers ... here ... u had the time to write ALL THAT ... so read this lil text ... is the 1 and best step of this kind of problems ...

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