We noticed them on Wed of last week and since then I treated her with Nix and pretty much destroyed my house, vacuuming, washing all clothes, mattress, purchase new pillows, spraying Rid on every possible surface, closing off her playroom, putting stuffed animals in a bag for 2 weeks, basically everything I read about I did or am doing. Here is the thing, we comb her hair in the morning and at night (FYI we also check ourselves regularly and are lice free) and some days we don't find any nits and others we find like 2 off white looking deadish ones. Is it possible that I am just missing these or is she getting reinfested? I am going crazy trying to figure it out and I have retreated her already with Nix on Monday. We have not found a live louse or any other than a little dead one in 4 days. Are they gone or not?