
I need help, my wife and i always quarrel?

by  |  earlier

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I am 27 years old the same as my wife. We are married for almost 7 years. I am confused if i'm the one who is making mistakes. It all started when she works (4 months now) about 100 miles away from home. She just go home every day off. As of now i dont have a job due to medical problem. I'm confused right now, we quarrel through text about our relationship, about simple things and even non-sense things that involved our relationship.

Because of this she even told me that if I continue quarreling with her she might just resign and we stay home both of us jobless.

Please someone help me. I love my wife and I want to save our marriage.




  1. You need to learn two words. "Yes Dear". If you say them all the time, you won't be arguing.

  2. I agree.  Just don't pick fights with her.  If it is a dumb nonsense thing then leave it alone.  Before you speak or hit the send on the text, think, hummm, is this worth losing my wife over?  I bet it won't be.  

    Remember that NO ONE is perfect---not you---not her.  Life is too short to pick nits.

  3. Dude,first of all i want to admit that you really love your wife.....sometimes strange things occur but its always meant to be solved,i think you should treat her more kindly and never feel like you shouldn't be doing somethings you would regard as a wife's job.And never talk much about the money making responsibilities cause it would be bringing in more reproach,i think you guys should also go for counselling or purchase books or get tips online.You can get some outstanding advice from

  4. The previous answers hit the nail on the head. The first answer that you need to just constantly give in will result in an intolerable situation, and was probably sarcastic. The second indicates that the power relationship has changed and will destroy your marriage if anything is still left. Either way the advice is golden. Get an income. This may not be practical, but your wife does not seem to be willing to continue.

  5. your wife is now the man of the house.  you have to find a way to make some money and be the provider for your family.  

  6. She is supporting you at the moment. So she's showing her love about you. I am sure she won't be happy travelling all the way to her work place and coming back, I am sure it's so tiring !!

    So stop being naive, rather give her nice dinner or welcome after work, then she will feel less tension and you two can be relaxed.

    I think you feel insecurity because she goes away for a long time and you don't work, but you need to trust your wife for good.

    Good luck.  

  7. welcome to my world buddy me reading your statment reminds me ov me and my wive ive a new job wich bascily takes me around all the uk working ever since i started things have been going wrong its not a trust issuie with us beacause were strong its the fact that were apart so much wich is the issue take a deep breath before rowing i know its hard with women and try to comparise hope you get through this buddy good luck

  8. It sounds to me like she is stressed and resentful of the position she is in. It's a lot of pressure for her to be the financial breadwinner. It's not as if she choose this position. Of course it's not like you choose the situation either. It sounds like you need to support her more as best you can. Show her that you are making an effort. Acknowledge how difficult it must be. Women need support and love. We are not men. We need a strong bond. Listen to her. Really listen like you never have before. Try to read between the lines. Think, where is she coming from. What must life be like for her? Try to be empathetic if not sympathetic.

  9. Well i think you need to stop focusing on your situation and make the best of what you have. Right now you should be ecstatic that your wife is being the provider not all women would do that but then again you made a good choice when choosing her. Allow her to see that you appreciate her and her efforts. Show her you love her and tell her you love her. Leave her nice notes in a work shirts or pants. send her sweet texts from the heart. i don't know how grave your medical situation is but if you can give her a nice massage cook for her sometimes and pay attention to her.

    women are very emotional and once you can master how to make her feel good emotionally you all will live well. try to put water on the heated up fights instead of heating it up further. i wish you luck and hope you feel better soon. and trust me you have a good wife love her with your all. also try this link

    p.s. maybe you can try moving closer to your wife's work place so she does not have to travel all those miles

  10. Dont let the little things in life Hurt a good relation ship!! You and your wife need to sit down together and talk SERIOUSLY about why you guys are bickering so much and what you can do to Help each other out!! I have been with my partner for 2 almost 3 years although Its not 7 We argue but wene we just talk instead of yell or get frustrated It seems that we arnt Argueing it just seems like ..... Problem solving!! You obviously Love your wife dearly I can tell just by the consern in your question. You are not doing any thing wrong and nither is she!!

    Try to figure out what you can do to make things easier maybe You move closer to her job! Since you are already out of work move and find a better job- Just a sigestion!!

    You guys will be fine, just have a little bit of faith!

  11. please be calm yea.let her work,u too will get a job,do,nt worry.please try to be patient,she is also in stress.things go wrong if we keep talking too much splly in situations like this.both of u sit together,talk lovingly to her.things will straiten up.pray,for prayer changes things.wait for the night to be over,the sun will surely to some one whom u both feel comfortable some elderly friend,never go to family members for solyutions

  12. Be cool en avoid what makes her mad u have to be nice en avoid

  13. Must be the 7 year itch. lol  

    She has a long commute and probably irritated with that and the job.  Perhaps she resents that you get to stay at home.  Sit down and discuss what she expects you to do and wants of you.  Give you a list of things that you should have done by the time she gets home.  Ask her what you could do to make life just more comfortable.  Surprize her with a candle lite meal when she comes home or draw her a bath,  the sweet things that you do can make your marriage stronger.  Be sensitive to her and be a good listener.  Keep your mouth shut unless you can say Yes, Dear. lol

  14. Well I don't know what you are capable of doing with your medical problem at home. But I am hoping that you are able to do something around the house for her so when she gets home, she doesn't have another job of taken care of you. You should be able to cook and clean the house if you are capable. You know to go 100 miles to work, it takes about at least an hour to 2 hours and it depends where you live in the states. So lets say she is on the road for 4 hours max and then she works 8 hours, now that is 12 hours a day at work with the stress of her driving . Now you figure it out why she is like this. If you aren't doing anything at home, then get some family member to help you out, because it is going to be h**l until you do. Unless you like your life as it is now. Have a Clue guy if you want to keep your marriage going happy.

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