
I need help, supernaturalists only?

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i need help honing my abilities. maybe some excersize suggestions. if you leave any c**p saying i crazy i will spam you A

LOT. please i keep getting new abilities and it gets more and more abilities. thanks




  1. Keep a diary.

  2. i like to once in a while listen to classic rock and high tone singing in good headphones to massage my brain to make me more alert, my on would listen to classical music when sleeping as a teen with no headphones said it made ppl more intelligent

  3. my friend and I talked about this a few weeks ago.  you have to understand that everything is connected subconsciously, and these connections can be altered with a clear mind and concentration

    what we did was force something (im not sure but maybe some kind of energy) into each other mentally.  its like you focus on turning your bones into plasma and balling that plasma into energy in your hand.  then you can throw this energy into someone.  we could feel this mentally, but only when we were looking for it.  if the person you are trying to throw energy at is not aware or not looking for it, they will only feel it subconsciously.  

    at golf practice or at golf meets we often throw energy at other golfers to mess them up and it hasn't failed yet.  we are also trying to mess with gravity in a similar fashion, but that is not going quite as well; i can only slightly change the trajectories of ping pong balls or other light stuff.

  4. I wouldn't say you're crazy, but you are delusional if you believe you have supernatural abilities.  There's simply no evidence that anyone has ever possessed any supernatural abilities, and I seriously doubt you'll be the first to break that trend.

    Spam me if you like.  Your childish threats are meaningless.

  5. I just read all of the other replies to your question...obviously, no one else shares our supernatural abilities....

    It sounds as if you are going through the awakening right now, which is the most difficult part.  You know that you have special powers - but everyone else thinks you are a goofball.  Stick with it yoda, once you move past the awakening and into the genisys phase, you will find balance.

    For now, the best advice I can give you is do everything you can to appear normal when you are around others.  When you are by yourself, allow your mind to relax and experiment.  I would not advise something silly like jumping off a roof because you think you can fly.  That is a very advanced technique.

  6. Meditate! thats what works for me

  7. The only ability that counts is to have a pure heart and be in touch with your Higher Inner Self. The rest comes with it.

  8. Dude, I stretch my brain every time before I start my psychic workouts.

  9. Why the h**l do you want them?

    I dont know what you are feeling, but if you really do it has to be hard.  I will go with personal experience.

    I was told once by a *Shrink* that I wasnt paying attention.  I said okay I have this dream. He said last night?  I said now.  I said a guy and wife are in a fight, their kid pukes on their bed.  She is anal and needs new sheets.  He gets into his BMW and got to Bed Bath and Beyond. The *Shrink* says what are you talking about?  You say you bought the wrong color.

    Nobody I know that has these feelings wants to have it.  The only people that use it are those that make money.  Either side. Dont worry about developing your talent.  If you are right, they pay you.

    Be ready to go into a room and have 20 people ask you their names, or husbands names.  If you can do it, they will pay you.   Wont cost you a thing.  If you cant bump into somebody and think he just hand an affair on his wife, in this hotel, in this room, dont even try.

    They pay you, its not the other way around.  People I know pay for it to go away.  Take drugs so they cant feel it.  Ive never met anybody that actually wants to feel it.

  10. do good.

  11. a great exercise is to press your forehead against a window when its raining and chase the raindrops down for 2 minutes, then rest 1 minute, then repeat 10 times.

    this REALLY tunes your ether sensors, trust me.

  12. the bench press maybe?

    it always worked for me.

  13. I think you watch too much Heros, but Since dolphins have sonar there is no reason why if we only use 10% of our brain that we could not use the other 90%. There are exercises you can do.

        Manipulating your natural energy flow and anyone can do it. It really does help if you have a head ache or some other pain. Hold your hands and inch apart without touching your hands try to focus on the static feild around them. Then move your hands and try to feel the energy flow. Once you notice it you can try to increase it. You can take away pain just by touching above the place that hurts. I can bend a peice of decrative twine being at ten feet away, but that is quite bit compared to nothing, but it is kind of useless as a skill.

          Increaseing your natural intuition (geussing power) take a deck of cards write down the color, shape, suit, or number, or each card before you look at it. then score yourself. Some people are better with usually one of each catagory. I am at 65% overall, but still it does not help me gamble.

          Dream travel exercises useually you need someone else to help you with this exersise. Have them do something at random at a particular time. Go relax and blindfold, put in ear plugs and partailly go into a quasi sleep state.Then try to visually guess at what they are doing and write down everthing you find in what you dream. Have fun with it.

    Those are just some exersises you can probable find out more on the web have fun, but it is probably a useless waist of time.

  14. You're not crazy, just deceived by your extreme desire to have superhero powers and the many unsubstantiated stories and beliefs of others like you who desire the same thing.

    So, what are your skills? Girls only want guys who have great skills.

  15. concentrate and it will come. what kind of abilities exactly??

  16. You telling here you got special abilities..? Ok, fine enough...but if you're trying to put a fast one here, there were some people out there who would want to test you. You gonna p**s in you pants. Alright, don't worry 'coz these people will know about you. If you're a real supernaturalist you'd be fine, but if your fooling around you just might end up being stark raving mad, see ?

    How do these people gonna find you ? I don't have to tell you, see ? You will come to know about it in due time if you're still sane. It will be a pity if by then you have already gone totally insane.

  17. You have supernatural abilities?  I'd love to hear more about them.  Can you mow the lawn while watching football on TV?  Can you fly home from the bars?  Can you see through girls' clothing?  Are you faster than a speeding bullet?  Can you leap tall buildings in a single bound?

    But most importantly, do you wear a cape?

    Why don't you fly yourself down to the loony bin so they can help you develop your ability to comprehend reality.

    Pardon me, but I'm due back on planet earth.  Spam away Superman.

  18. Well threatening people with spamming them isn't very nice.

  19. You have no abilities beyond your imagination. You have nothing to hone. If you really want to learn how professional psychics and mediums work, then you are asking the wrong question. You need to learn about Cold-Reading techniques.

    This will get you started in your career.

    However, I will tell you, that if you procede to use cold reading on anyone, it is my belief that you are an a--hole.

  20. Communication I see, is not one of your abilities.Threats are a sign of insecurity.

  21. See a shrink and ask him to prescribe you some meds. That should help with your "abilities"

  22. try meditating and eating healthy.

  23. ask tom cruise.

  24. Try this diet: the caveman paleolthic.

    Eat Raw:  fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fresh organic eggs.

    Don't eat: dairy, beans (including legumnes), grains, refined sugars, squashes.

    Try himalayan orginal crystal salt. Buy only supplements that are concentrated foods, such as an aloe vera supplement. Try a trace mineral supplement.

    The diet will mellow you out and stabilize your energy. I would suggest a vegetarian diet.

    Try contacting a group such as the Berkeley Psychic Institute.

    Your abilities will only increase as much as you are paying attention to them. You CAN ignore them if you like.

  25. Hey, you are the guy creating blackouts and killing sick people with your supernatural power, The psychics are picking up your name supernaturally to give to the authorities to come pick you up. There is no place to hide. I wouldn't want to be in the trouble you are in.

  26. i don't agree with lithium =\. Frankly, I have no abilities, and neither does anyone I know, but who are you to say what is delusional and what isn't? It's all how you look at it.

    an example of this would be the belief in god. some people say there is no such thing. others say they're heathens... -_-;..

    well you get the point.

    anyway, i also agree with meditating. tai chi and yoga certainly helped me concentrate and calm down, so i might suggest that?

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