
I need help! 10 points!?

by Guest57347  |  earlier

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I have 10 questions for my homework plez help! I am learning about animalss, vertbrates, invertabrates, exoskelaton, endoskeloton and stuff like that.

1. An adult sponge is an animal that dosn't movefrom place to place. It's attached to one spot on the ocean floor. Why can you consider it an animal?

2. Classify each of the animals listed as vertbrates or invertabrates. Which of these animals has an endoskelaten? Which of them has an exoskelaton?

bee mouse robin ant

3. if you found a fossil of an organism with a backboe what charactsitcs would you know about the organsim?




  1. 1. you can consider it an animal because it can probaly reproduce it has a complex system and it has a food or energy source

    2. bee has a exoskeleton,mouse has a endoskeleton, and ant has a exoskeleton, and a robin has an endo

    3. it was supportingt a large animal,bigger faster body,sophisticated nervouse system.

  2. 1.  It's not a plant.  It digests food internally.

    2. vertebrates: mouse, robin

    invertebrates: bee & ant

    endoskelaton: mouse & robin

    exoskeleton: ant

    3. if it has a backbone, its a vertebrate.

  3. 2. the bee is an invertabrate with an exoskeleton, the mouse is a vertabrate with an endoskeleton the robin is a vertabrate with an endoskeleton, and the ant is an invertabrate with an exoskeleton

    as for number one, I'm not quite sure but this is what I think,

    The sponge is considered an animal, because it has the carachteristics of a living organism. it eats, it reproduces, it grows (there are more of these characteristics, you probably should've learned them. I'd tell you, but I forgot them)

    3. I'm not quite sure, but I have a vague memory of learning that there are definite characteristics of an animal with a backbone such as that it has an endoskeleton.

  4. You know I have a real problem helping with your homework. When I was growing up I had no computer. And when I went to college I used a computer and researched stuff myself. Or I had a study group.

    1) Sponges are classed as animals not plants :

    Until 1765, sponges were considered as plants, but naturalist John Ellis proved they were actually animals. A sponge does not have a brain or a central nervous system; in fact sponges have no heart, brain, head, mouth or any other body parts and have many plant like qualities. With the exception of the single - celled animals, the Protozoa, sponges are the simplest animals in existence today. The scientific name for sponges is Porifera.

    2)  the bee is an invertebrate with an exoskeleton, the mouse is a vertabrate with an endoskeleton the robin is a vertebrate with an endoskeleton, and the ant is an invertabrate with an exoskeleton

    3) I believe if it has a backbone it is an animal.

    Based on my research about endo and exoskeletons.

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