
I need help!!!!!! ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok there's this guy in my church and well it was my first time to go to this class, but it wasnt my first time to go to that church. anyways, whenever i sat down just because the teacher person said to find a of his friends threw something inside our room. he went to go get it and looked at me for what seemed a long time........then i looked at him and he looked away red and went back to the other room. then he kept coming into the room for no reason and glancing at me for a lot! Then, before class was dismissed he kept walking right in front of me...........and when i left to go find my parents i could promise you i saw him frown! then whenever i went to go to the door to wait for my parents, he came out from the other side! and THEN he flashed his biggest smile ever at me! so what does he like me or not? BTW, hes pretty cute......

ok, this is the same guy in my church,and when we were going into the classroom he was hiding and tried to scare me!!! and he said,"Gottcha!!" and well we were in the gym and my friend and i were standing by the bleachers and he grabbed a basketball and started dribbiling the ball with like SKILL!!!! Oh my, he's awesome i was soo inpressed and he was right in front of me!!! and after that there were these 2 boys who were talking to me and my friend and he had a sour look on his face!!! then we were in praise and worship and he was by his friends and he was talking to his older brother and his friends and his brother kept looking at me!!! well his brother kept smiling at me....-blush ;c) and then i went to church this sunday and i sat like two seats away from him and he kept talking to his friends and his friends kept looking at me!!! i walked into the classroom and sat down and he walked by and these girls tried to talked to him and he blushed and looked at me and ignored the girls!!!! they said,"what's wrong with him?" i went to class and he was racing this guy and he was right beside me and showed off like crazy!!!!! my friends and i were talking about our favorite colors and i said i LOVED blue soooo much!!!! i looked at him and wow.........he was wearing a blue shirt!!!!!! and he smiled soooo big when i looked at him wearing a blue shirt cause i said it out loud!!!!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN????




  1. What do you think it means?  The guy is crazy about you!

  2. honestly i really can relate haha the initial excitement of attention really makes people swoon over each other

    but i think your super excitement worries me a little-it seems like it's based a lot on romance, which isn't bad, but just make sure it doesn't take over your thinking all the time! i don't want to rain on your parade, it's just i've have gotten carried away by the initial excitement many times and i hope i can save you some heartache and regret. he definitely likes you from your story, but i wouldn't call it love :) and i know he seems to have it all but just realize that before you give him signs that you like him just because he gave you attention, it doesn't mean he will be a good friend, or boyfriend, or husband even. i'm assuming you're a Christian, and a key thing to keep in mind before you date someone is to make sure that they are God-loving, virtuous people (but also keep in mind you will only attract these people if you are living a God-pleasing life too)

    i would definitely pray about it too before making a move and if God thinks it's a bad idea you should see some small obstacles pop up, maybe because you aren't ready (which is probably true since it seems right now you liking him is mostly an impulse from him giving you attention and not much more than glaces and he probably is reacting to the attention you gave him too). but if God says it's a go, then i think He'll make it work out and you won't have to try too hard or worry about pleasing the guy from church

    i really found these videos on youtube really helpful. they aren't quite related to your question but! they're about dating from a Christian perspective by the preacher Paul Washer and there's one on the virtuous woman too :) (just search on youtube "paul washer dating")

    God Bless

  3. well he probably does like you, just go talk to him and get to know him. He sounds cute :)

  4. Looks like he already DOES like you. try to be nice and befriend him at first, if he is truly the way he sounds, soon after you befriend him he will ask you out. Hope that helps! =D (guys tend to show off to show the girl how good they are, and tend to get embarrassed when other girls talk to him in front of you because he probably wants you to notice him and not them.)

  5. He's deffinately showing signs that he likes you. i say you just try and talk to him more.. who knows.. maybe you and him can go out.

    hope i helped!!

  6. he likes you / you like him talk to him!!!!!!

  7. i swear i started smiling when i was reading this. theres a chance he might like u, or a chance that he's a flirt. i would totally go for it, tho. best wishes.

  8. he likes you :] be confident and dont hold back!

    you go for it :]

  9. I too had to smile at this XD

    you're so cute

    I'd say he likes you

    ask him out!

  10. He likes you.  Go for it.

  11. lol I think you know what it means :) talk to him if you like him!

  12. uhh... so long.

    but he likes you.. talk to him


  14. well? i am pretty sure he likes you!   (:

  15. wow! He probably does like you!

    This really sounds like he really likes you.

    Hope all goes well =]

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