
I need help.Does anyone know about the trickster tales of native americans????

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can anyone give me ides i have to make a trickster tale but some of the examples the teacher has giving us ia how threes no buffaloes close to some river, how whales got to the ocean, how snails were made so now i need help to make a story plz help maxing points available...




  1. "A Trickster is a mischievous or roguish figure in myth or folklore who typically makes up for physical weakness with cunning and subversive humor. The Trickster alternates between cleverness and stupidity, kindness and cruelty, deceiver and deceived, breaker of taboos and creator of culture."

    "In Trickster stories, "we witness the triumph of a small and traditionally meek character who has called upon his brains and bravery to defeat a larger, more aggressive enemy."--Paul Dini"

    " [Navajo] Trickster tales relate to foolish, mischievous and occasionally disastrous activities of trotting Coyote. They describe encounters with other animals and beings, attempts to trick them, to become like them or to outwit them, attempts which inevitably rebound. Coyote's characteristics here are thus of the typical Trickster figure: greedy, vain, foolish, cunning and, occasionally, displaying a high degree of power...."

    And there's a very special property in the trickster: he always breaks in, just as the unconscious does, to trip up the rational situation. He's both a fool and someone who's beyond the system. And the trickster hero represents all thos possibilities of life that your mind hasn't decided it wants to deal with. The mind structures a lifestyle, and the fool or trickster represents a other whole range of possibilities. He doesn't respect the values that you've set up for yourself, and smashes them.--J. Campbell, An Open Life

  2. uhm, i'm not sure what that is..

    sorry. my suggestion is google.

  3. Many Native American stories have a trickster.

    Here are over 1400 of their stories and teachings, split over eight pages.

    There a also stories from Native American Nations here.

    Indigenous Peoples' Literature


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