
I need help! Does she not miss me??

by  |  earlier

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One of my close friends just switched schools. She is a girl and Im a guy, by the way. I was talking to her on myspace and I told her " This year is going to be awesome for me. I hope you make new friends soon. Im gonna miss you." and she replied " Thats good! me and this girl are friends again." And thats it. Why didnt she say anything that had to do with me missing her?




  1. well, maybe she didnt remember that you said you missed her.

    or she thinks you miught like her, and she didnt want to lead you on.

    but im sure she misses you.

  2. mebbe you want the relationship to go to another level and she doesnt

  3. she probably doens't want to make things awkward


  5. Maybe she missed it when she was reading??

    Or she's just playing hard-to-get??  

  6. There could be  a lot of things in her mind.  Or maybe she misses you but thought that you already know.  Why don't you just ask her straight about her?  Put the questions on the table, don't be bashful about it.  She is your friend anyway.  It's okey.

  7. dont read too much into it. she could have been in a rush when she sent you the message. if she didnt care or didnt miss you she wouldnt have bothered writing you back..

  8. I think you may be just making a big deal about nothing. Maybe she was in a hurry, had homework or something. I wouldn't take it personal. If you want to just talk to her and ask her why that's all she said. Hope I could be of some assistance.


  9. maybe it hasn't hit her yet? how long have you been apart? i know it takes a while for me to REALLY miss someone.

  10. dude relax. stop being so paranoid. you're fine.

  11. Cos you said this year would be great for you. She could think it's gonna be great cos she's not there. Or maybe she's a bit hurt that you'll have a great time without her.

  12. Eh. Don't worry. Unless you are dating her. That's weird. But if your not dating her then why are you worrying so much? She might of just forgot to say anything, OR she likes you, but kinda just wants to see how you will react if you don't get a response you want.

    I do that to my guy friends that like me all the time.

    Can anyone help me with my question?

  13. You are probably just being paranoid because you may not realize it but you like her. She just may not like you the way you like her and wanted to ignore the subject. Or she may like you just felt to awkward to say she missed you.

  14. ah you like her. You and the other girl sitting in a tree kissing first comes love then comes marriage then comes the baby in the baby carriage.

  15. A lot of women play mind games like that!

    Just forget her and find a woman who really appreciates you for who you are, not for how much she can mess with your feelings.

    You don´t need to be around somebody who is so self obsessed.

    There are plenty of decent caring women out there too, go for one of them instead.

  16. i think she does miss u

    i think she just got xcarried away on wat she was sayin and 4 gto bout wat u said

  17. It very well could have slipped her mind.  not like in a bad way.  She could have easily thought that it was assumed she missed you depending on how good of friends you are/were.  When you talk to her more, wait a while before you mention that you miss her, and then at the end of the conversation say it.  Or wait for her to  say it.  She does miss you, just might not say it yet, or is too sad to say it.  Don't worry too much yet.  Wait for a while until she doesn't say it for a long time, then call her on it.

  18. i think she does but she might have a tiny crush on you so she didnt want to say that so you wouldnt relize it or she didnt now that it would bother you but i think she likes you

  19. probably she was shy.. lol u i had a friend who told me that he's going to miss me & just did'nt reply back.. u should try not to write to her till she writes back to see if she misses u or not

  20. maybe you make it seem like you like her as more than a friend and she doesnt want it to be that she overlooked the "im gona miss you" part and acted like you didnt say it. but im sure shes gona miss you.

  21. Maybe she was upset that you said that you were goin to have a awesome year. She might just be a bit unhappy?

    Talk to her!

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