
I need help! I have a question about Diana?

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Does anyone have any ideas or theries of wheather or not her death was planed or not? I am doing a paper on her and it would really help to have someting ps please type your sources thx byes




  1. Read David Icke's book, The Biggest Secret.   He talks about her death in it.  But be prepared to be blown away by the revelations.  Yes, her death WAS planned.  It was not an accident, it was murder.

  2. just browse through net and magazines u will get a lot of theories about her death.

    no one knows the truth. but it seems like she was killed may be not planned .

  3. Take a look at this site:

  4. This is the kind of question that google and wikipedia were made for. Just type 'princess diana' into either one.

  5. George W Bush ordered the CIA to cause her death so that 9/11 would happen and thus he could invade Iraq for its oil and give no-bid contracts to all of d**k Cheney's buddies. In about 20-25 years when the CIA records are declassified everyone will know the truth.

  6. We all know what happened to Lady Di. She was murdered. Look at the evidence for yourselves.

    A brief summary of the known evidence is as follows.

    The unscheduled journey through the symbolic Pont de L'Alma tunnel (an ancient Pagan sacrificial site) took Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed AWAY FROM their intended destination, Dodi's flat.

    Just before the car entered the tunnel every police radio in Paris mysteriously died, preventing a quick response which could have saved Diana's life.

    Just before the car entered the tunnel every security camera in the tunnel mysteriously died, preventing us from ever seeing footage of what caused the crash.

    The crime scene was completely cleaned within hours of the crash, a policy totally anathema to standard preservation of any crime scene.

    Diana was still alive after the crash. Unexplained delays in getting her to the hospital, caused by the slow speed of the ambulance and the fact that it passed several nearer hospitals before reaching its destination, ensured Diana was dead upon arrival. A faster response could have saved her life.

    The foremost reason put forward to explain the 'accident' - that driver Henri Paul was dangerously drunk, has been thoroughly debunked by the camera footage of his behavior before the crash and the fact that the tests on Paul's blood were either faked or swapped with the blood of another dead man. Paul's liver showed no sign of alcohol abuse and his close friends and family said he rarely drank alcohol.

    Multiple eyewitnesses reported a mysterious flash of light immediately before the crash. Many insist that this was a laser directed at the driver to cause temporary blindness leading to the crash.

    The initial French investigation into the crash went to every length to ignore key evidence, intimidate eyewitnesses into silence and outright fabricate evidence

    Diana was killed because she was pregnant with Dodi's child and the British Royal Family didn't want an Arab in their sacred bloodline. Diana was also becoming politically involved in the Middle East and the elite saw her as a loose cannon that could rally popular support around anything. Diana herself remarked to reporters that there would be 'a big surprise' from her a few days before her death.

    Lord Steven's previous enquiry into Irish Republican Army terrorism unearthed links to British intelligence but seemed to disappear down the memory hole. Our hope is that the inquiry will have some genuine consequences for the criminals who assassinated 'England's Rose' and that it will prevent them from engaging in similar political hits in the future.

    Photographers were 'chasing' the car

    This sounds like an attempt to a) fuel public opinion against the 'paparazzi' and b) pass the buck away from the real 'pursuers'. Imagine for one second the scenario whereby a couple of hired assassins take to motor cycles and chase the car.

    Diana and Dodi were used to photographers chasing them, the driver was also aware that photographers would be following. A Mercedes S280 is a far safer place to be than a bike. Why should the driver risk life and limb from photographers that were a continual nuisance anyway? What if one of the bikers pulled a gun, or was a 'serious' threat, rather than a photographer. We know the photographers didn't arrive on the scene until some seconds after the crash. Therefore, who was close enough to the car to pose a real threat?

    In any case, it's virtually impossible to take photos from a moving bike at high speed, especially when playing cat and mouse with a sturdy Mercedes.

    You can't take photos through a glass car window using a flash at night, without getting a nice photo of your own flash gun as a reflection.

    Why did some people rumour that a bike was in front of the car? Would you overtake a heavy Mercedes on a bike, doing silly speeds, on the entrance to a tunnel? This leads onto the next point....

    What speed was the car doing?

    Initial reports claimed the car was doing 120mph. Although a Mercedes S280 series should be able to cope well at this speed, it is extremely unlikely you would need to do such speeds just to outrun photographers on bikes (has anyone confirmed the makes/models/max speeds of the bikes involved?).

    Immediately this speed was reported, people on the internet questioned it and said it was highly unlikely. Although the media tried to debunk the internet as a source of unreliable 'gossip', why have they recently amended their reports to state the car was no doubt doing a slower speed - in which case it was less likely to have lost control unless some outside influence was involved, such as the deliberate blowout of a tyre or a similar event.

    Was there another car involved?

    I believe yes, and it's this point which inspired me to create this website in the first place - due to receiving a phone call on the Sunday morning (1st Sep 1997) from an eye-witness who reported seeing a white Fiat Uno fleeing at high speed from the tunnel immediately after the crash.

    I already had my suspicions that something "wasn't quite right" about the whole scenario, and this phone call confirmed it. This web site was created, officials and the media completely denied the existence of another car and any rumours to that effect were dismissed as silly conspiracy theories.

    It was several weeks before it was acknowledged that another car was most likely involved in some way.

    The driver was drunk

    This was the report which initially made me 'smell a rat'. Not only is this an insult to the driver if he was innocent. Both Di and Dodi have always been surrounded by security and minders. If the driver had been drunk, another would have been found. Other security personnel would have prevented them getting into the car in the first place. There were already several decoy drivers available that night, as one left from the front of the hotel.d.

    Here again is some discrepancy in the reporting in the media. Some claim that there was confusion as they left the hotel, and a decoy car left from the front whilst they left from the rear. Any bodyguard would ensure that the best driver was chosen, so if there was any doubt that Henri Paul was not sober, one of the drivers would be selected.

    There has also been much confusion over blood samples taken from him, whether or not they were switched for another accident victim that night. There is also much confusion as to which security services Henri Paul was working for at the time of the crash, as large sums of money were later found in multiple bank accounts. Was he duped by MI6 into being part of the assassination plot?

    Eyewitness reports

    Although unconfirmed, some early eye witness reports claim to have heard a 'bang' immediately prior to the crash. Could this have been an attempt to sabotage the car?

    Imagine that a hired assassin had secretly placed a small explosive device under the front of the car. Another (or the same) assassin could follow on a bike, ensuring that the car gets to a specific spot before remotely detonating the device which could cause a blow out and subsequent loss of control of the car.

    It has also been rumoured another car was involved. Could a car have been in front, just inside the tunnel to create an obstacle requiring rapid manoeuvres, thus ensuring the 'arranged crash' would occur?

    The photographers obstructing the police

    It was initially reported that when the police arrived at the scene, the paparazzi were obstructing the police from getting to the crash. If true, how do we know they were paparazzi? They could have been the assassins ensuring that any vital evidence was removed from the crash scene. Some reports even went so far as to claim that a couple of motor cyclists left the scene of the crash immediately the police arrived - again leaving the following paparazzi to get the blame.

    Stolen Jewellery

    The plot gets more and more far-fetched every day. Nearly 10 days after the event it is claimed that valuable jewellery was stolen from the crashed car. It was rumoured that Dodi had recently given Diana an engagement ring. Could this have been stolen/removed to again hide the fact from the British public?

    Were they engaged and Was she pregnant?

    By far the most outrageous or controversial rumour was that she could possibly have been pregnant. Although I realise that this will shock many people, if it's true it could have given the secret services a motive to eliminate her. If not true, then simply ignore it and put it down to another inaccurate, far-fetched rumour you read on the internet. We are searching for the truth here - not a story which just happens to fit our preconceived idea of the world around us. This will be discussed further in the motives section below.

  7. There was speculation, but no proof.   As far as anyone really knows, or can prove, it was just a tragic accident.

  8. Yes I think it was all planned,she was pregnant with Fayed's baby,The Queen could not stand her.Its funny how the cameras in the Paris tunnel was out of order,for an hour that night,which just happened to be the time Princess Diana went through to her death.I dont care what anybody says she was murdered.This is for Brian S. Dodi and Di knew each other for about 3 months,long enough to get pregnant.

  9. No one will ever know, I think she was pregnant with Fayeds baby and the Royals killed her off....imagine having a Muslim baby born into the Royal family?  As half brother of the future King?  Never going to happen.

  10. personally, though i honour the queen, i believe it was planned by the queen. she didnt like dianna at all and the scene was confidential. it think it was all planed out.

  11. Google the question, but don't count on Wikipedia as a reliable source.

  12. try this site. it has lot of external links.. hope it helps..

  13. doubt very much that it was planned.

    Who would plan to kill them self, oh wait that's suicide, to kill another with them self, murder (don't know if the driver died too or not, but it would have to be in the plan for him to have died.

    The plan to kill someone, usually doesn't include high speed car chase with the paparazzi in close pursuit to get pictures.

  14. I think that she was murdered but that is just my opionion. But if you can find documentaries on BBC or BBC America or just type into google Diana theories.

  15. without wishing to be insulting, I suggest you check your spelling, before you commence your paper .. and as for conspiracy theories, there are so many .. she is dead .. she was not as popular as the press would have you believe .. and regardless of how many inquiries there are you will always get some people who consider that their view is correct .. from  history, how many theories regarding the death of JFK, Marilyn Monroe et al.,

  16. I think your report would be interesting just talking about all the different reports and ideas people have.   The investigations and questions are more outrageous than the truth.

  17. "I think she was pregnant with Fayeds baby and the Royals killed her off."

    Oh Pete's sake! Take a biology lesson - Diana only knew Dodi for less than two weeks! She wasn't pregnant with his or anyone else's child.

    As for doing a paper on Diana, isn't the point that you do your own research and form your own opinion? There are tonnes of books in the library, lots of magazines too, and an endless amount of news coverage on the web. Plus TV shows and documentaries and the film The Queen.

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