
I need help! I live in a townhome community in california my neighbor has 2 macaws?

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they are constantly screaming. These birds can get extremely loud and very annoying. The owners don't seem to care about there neighbors but nobody seems to complain either. Well I've had it this weekend i was sick and those d**n things woke me up at 7:00 am. Does anyone know if there is any sort of law for having birds in a townhome where your neighbor is not even 10 ft away? HELP!




  1. It would basically fall under disturbing the peace.  Contact your local police or sheriffs department on there non-emergency line and ask about the noise ordinance.  If your neighbors are in violation you will need to do one of 2 things, have the police respond out or respond to the magistrates office and take out charges yourself.  

    Also is your community owned or rentals?  If they are rentals contact property management and complain.  If the are owned do you have a home owners association?   If so file a complaint with them.

  2. Parrots are flock birds and they call each other early am and pm. Can you ask your neighbor if they can move the birds to another area of the house where they won't be as loud to you?

  3. my neighbor had 2 of them and yes they are extremely loud especially when they are trying to mate !

  4. I guess contact the people who own the building or manage the community.

  5. Start with your local Zoning Board and find out if there is a 'Noise Ordinance'...there may be something in that about repeated 'animal' noises, not just loud parties, loud mufflers, etc.

    If you are in a 'community' (like a condo association, townhouse owners group, etc.) see if the bylaws have something about 'disturbing the peace or neighbors'.

    Anything you find in local Zoning Ordinance, even if it ends up being 'Disturbing the Peace' as a zoning rule-the local police have the job of enforcing it.

    Anything in your 'association' or 'group' has to be enforced by the group/bylaws-police can't really help you much-other than 'disturbing the peace'.

    You might even have to video tape it-even if you can't see the birds but the windows or door-the noise is evidence in court.

    Now something don't mention if the neighbors 'rent', 'own' or 'lease'....if they don't OWN their townhouse maybe there is a clause in their lease or rental agreement that prevents them from having this type of pet!

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