
I need help!! I really want a facebook but my parents wont let me! what do i do???

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Ok, so my sister who is in 10th grade JUST convinced my parents to let her have a facebook... but now i hate to admit it.... i realllllyyyyyy want one now!!! i know that my parents will NEVER let me have one at my age... but my cousin who is 11 has one!! I'm 13!!! the only reason why sister got to have one, is because she made a powerpoint presentation about facebook! i dont have time to do that! plus if i do try and do something like that my sister will just make fun of me because she is a really really really mean person and makes me feel bad about everything i do that is similar to what she does. grrrr what do i do!!! i sooooo want one..... :( help help






  1. .. Facebook is boring anyway. You&#039;re not missing out on much. But they really can&#039;t stop you from getting one.. If they check the browsing records, just say it was your sister.. But then again, they could just look up your name on facebook and find your profile.. I use a fake last name.. luckily my friends know what i look like.

  2. Hi Fifi,

    You sound like a really bright girl, so I&#039;m sure you&#039;ll take on board what I suggest, and decide for yourself whether you think it&#039;s a good idea.

    You need to ask yourself first, WHY your parents will not let you have a Facebook page. I suspect that it&#039;s because the internet CAN be a very dangerous place, and your parents will be worried about anyone being able to find out what you are up to, where you live, and trace your personal details. Ask them if this is the case. If it IS, and your heart is still set on getting a Facebook page, then you can educate your parents about Facebook. Tell them that you can make ALL your personal details private, and that only people who YOU invite to be your &quot;friend&quot; can see your details. If they are still worried, then suggest they set the page up with you and go through the privacy options on &quot;Account Settings&quot;. That way, they can see for themselves, and hopefully, you&#039;ll be able to work out a way to keep in touch with your friends, whilst staying safe online.

    Communication with your parents is the single most important thing - and will always be! Make sure you show them that you are willing to compromise. They&#039;ll be impressed by your mature approach, and in time, they will losen the reigns a little.

    Hope it helps.


  3. Just make one, jeeze, how much can your parents shield you? Maybe you should show them all the responses that you get from this. You&#039;re 13, I believe that is the starting point into myspace and facebook and the like, if you don&#039;t start now, you&#039;ll be internet illiterate by the time you are allowed to get one. If you parents still won&#039;t let you, make one and don&#039;t add anyone that would rat you out. It&#039;s that simple, the internet is meant to be free!

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