
I need help! Lizard hibernating?

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Alright... I'm getting worried.

My lizard has been staying in one spot, for long periods of time.

She is a Haitian Curly-Tailed lizard.

Is she hybernating/trying to hybernate?

A sidenote: The reason I'm worried is because my father sprayed pesticides near her tank to get rid of some flies. He didn't cover the top, and I'm worried this behavior may be an effect of his carelessness.

I just noticed, while trying to pick her up, that her hind legs were twitching. And then, it looked like she was kicking the side of her own head with one of her hind legs.

I'm incredibly worried. Please, please help!




  1. I seriously doubt it's trying to hibernate unless the temperature in the cage is in the 60's or lower. I wouldn't be surprised if the pesticides have seriously affected the health of your lizard.

  2. lizards to occasionally hibernate, but if you are worried dont hesitate to call a vet and ask

  3. Well, I have never heard of a lizard hibernating, although im not sure about that kind.  Does she feel cold?  Try putting her under a basking lamp for a while to see if she warms up and starts moving more.  Make sure she gets lots of water, and food if she'll eat it.  If she eats food but not water then add some water to her food.  Sometimes legs twitch like if one of your body parts falls asleep because you've been sitting on it too long...then when you move it feels funny... that could be happening.  That's not very common, though.  Are you sure she's not just kicking because you picked her up? Because that is common.  

    and lizards scratch their head with their legs all the time, thats totally normal. (Most animals do this.)   The pestiside issue is worrying, however, so I would try taking her to a vet just in case.

  4. Brumation or hibernation is typically a winter thing. If she wasn't trying to scratch herself, then I would take her to the vet to get her checked out, some pesticide could have gotten into the tank and affecting her.  Good luck.

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