
I need help! Math Problem.?

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I need help on my math homework. Please help me!

It says: Write the operation signs inside the circles to make these problems true. ( "_" means there should be an operation sign )

1. ( 8 _ 4 ) _ 12 _ 3 = 4

2. 8 _ 4 _ 12 _ 3 = 28

3. 8 _ 4 _ 12 _ 3 = 8

4. 8 _ 4 _ 12 _ 3 = 16

5. 8 _ 4 _ 12 _ 3 = 27

6. 8 _ 4 _ 12 _ 3 = 6

Please help! 10 points




  1. These are puzzles or riddles not math problems, but the METHOD to solve them is called iteration (guessing), trying a set of operators and crunching the numbers. I assume the order needs to be kept in sequence. If not you would have more possibilities.


    Are you limited or is it ( + ), ( - ), ( X ), ( / )  (I assume)

    You can't move the order of the numbers from Left to Right (I assume)

    Operators have an  of precedence, X and / takes precedence over + and -. So depending on what operator you guess at, you will have to observe math precedence.

    The first problem (1) has a set of  terms in brackets ( ), that helps

    (8_4) can be 12, 4, 32, 2  (no other possibilities with + - x / )

    You can try one of these 4 numbers

    (12, 4, 32, 2) ? 12 ? 3 = 4

    Now pick one number from the first (group) of numbers, say 12.

    (12) ? 12 ? 3 = 4

    (12) / 12 + 3 = 4

    you have to divide first so you 12 / 12 = 1

    so 1 + 3 = 4 it works.

    Now you just have to use your LOGIC and PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS ( which you are developing) to solve the others with a similar method.

    You are making connections in your BRAIN, gaining IQ points. It is not easy and takes effort, but also expands you intellect and ability to THINK.

    I showed YOU ONE, you have to solve the rest. Have fun. It is a challenge, fun not a chore. There are 6 year old Chinese kids in China that can solve this.

  2. 1. +,/,+

    2. *,+,/

    3. -,+,/

    4. +,+,/

    5. +,+,+

    6. *,/,*

    make it a good day

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