
I need help PLEASE!!!!?

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I need a healthy eating plan that will help lower my blood pressure. It has to be vegetarian you can make it vegan if you want to. I am trying to become a vegan anyway. My favorite foods are oatmeal and peanut butter. Please find a way to include them in the plan. I like all fruits and veggies except for radishes, turnips, and raspberries. And if you don't want to do a eating plan you can just offer your favorite recipe. Thanks!!!




  1. try "eat right 4 your type" book.

    plenty of recipes and diet ideas for whatever blood type you are, and good plans for blood pressure problems.

    i started eating more kiwi, nectarines, peaches, strawberries and blueberries instead of coffee, milk, cereal, bread, butter and eggs in the morning.  working on lunch plans, now.

    good luck.

  2. the BEST way to lower your blood pressure is to eat more RAW FOODS... such as raw fruits and vegetables

    seriously - it's THAT easy.

    check out these sites for info and recipes:

    - (recipes on the left column)


    and if you have questions, need tips or recipes or ANYTHING, you can email me at -- I can help you figure out a menu plan or something. seriously, I'm here to help!

  3. Read "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Furhman.

    It will change the way you look at food, and lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, risk of most diseases, etc.

  4. Lowering blood pressure naturally.


    Calcium, Magnesium, Garlic, L Carnitine, L glutamic acid, L glutamine, Selenium, Co Q10, EFAs (flaxseed oil) Vitamin C, Lecithin granules and Vitamin E.

    A strict salt-free diet is essential, and all animal fats (meat and dairy) must be avoided.  Primary protein sources should be from vegetables, grains and legumes.

    Avoid all alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.

    Fast for three days each month to periodically cleanse and detoxify the body.

    Get regular exercise, and keep your weight down.

  5. cannot tell if you are a guy or a gal.  read all the answers did not see - GARLIC - it is a biggie when it comes to lower bp.  have hi-bp myself, been veggie for more than 30 yrs - BAD genes - had i not been veggie for so long i wouldn't be typng this now - Docs told me, my veggie self saved myself from dying around 30.   sounds like you are on right track.  wrote a veggie cookbook for my 4 sons ( all grown & still veggies - one grand son veggie too), so they would know how to cook.  will send any recipe you like - you like curry?  you like Teriyaki?  you name it - just email me with your favs - here to help - will help with plan too.  also drinking water will help - i mean good water - distilled - no worries about it washing out your minerials - your  a veggie, you get alot from the veggies you eat daily.  look forward to hearing from you and i wish you well!  :)  a veggie Mom

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