
I need help!! Please answer??

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Why would a guy think it's weird when he met a girl on the bus and they trade numbers, and then she calls him back and he tells her she is untypical because she had the guts to call him back, he says it's always the guys who call and not the girls. He's also really hot and has the body of a model




  1. A guy would have no reason to think that's weird.

    best answer?


  2. sounds like you met a real joke of a guy.  what guy wouldn't be flattered that a girl he met and traded numbers with actually called?  he obviously can't handle a girl who knows what she wants and goes after it.  is he living in the 1950's?  c'mon,  this is 2008.  girls ask guys out all the time.  i was ALWAYS upfront with guys and i never got a bad response.  this guy just sounds like an idiot.  be glad you steered clear of this mess.  and btw, he's probably well aware of his good looks and uses this to make girls feel inadequate.  do yourself a favor and rip up that number.  if he calls you, suddenly be VERY unavailable.

  3. I think he was just trying to make conversation lol, in a somewhat flirtatious way by pretty much saying your 'unique' because you have 'balls' lol confidence - whatever , not too shy to take charge. Intimidating? muwahaha who knows lol  

  4. It's really just a stereotype thing...typically the guy gets the number from the girl and he is the one to call her.

    Obviously this is not how it works in every situation...I think guys just assume that is how it works.

    More girls are getting more confident though and asking guys out.

  5. haha did t his happen to you or something?

    oh wow.

    i guess he just wants to feel in control.

    he feels like a wuss if YOU call him. typical.


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