
I need help. Someone answer please.?

by  |  earlier

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Every time after I have s*x, I get bubbles on my v****a that are filled with a puss and they are really soft and easy to pop. My v****a becomes sore and painful and burns for me to urinate for a couple of days. It shouldn't be a STD because he has never had s*x with anyone before me and neither have I. I would like to know what this may be. I also am not enjoying s*x anymore and I would like to know what went wrong.

If anyone could help I would give a great thanks.




  1. You may have Herpes HSV1 best to see your doc and be checked better to be sure than not know and yes you did say you both were clean are you positive???

  2. Or you could have a latex allergy cause I know you are having protected s*x right?

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