
I need help. What are some ways a teen can loose weight like what type of diets. please i need help?

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I need help. What are some ways a teen can loose weight like what type of diets. please i need help?




  1. get lean cusine meals thats what i do. When you invite friends over go for walks. Limit what your going to eat but be easy at first cuz ur body needs to get used to it limit it to 3 square meals and 2 snacks. 2 a week u can have some kinda of dessert under 200 caleries. Count your caleries and firgure out how many you should have a day. If u feel hungray drink alot of water or suck on ice cubes for cravings. do alot of sit ups they really work. Walk to your i-pod it helps. Damcve to spome kool music. Take up a sport u really like. I walk with my friends or my boyfriend and we talk that motavates me. You can do it!!!!

  2. If you're serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site. I've already lost some weight and I've got tons more energy.

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