
I need help...What is the Best Way to Raise money? 10pts?

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Ok I'm doing a fund raiser and I don't know what is the best way to raise money?? Any Ideas or Tips would be of much gratitude. I need a plan and any tips on how to execute this fund raiser? Any advice would help. Best answer will get 10pts. 5 stars..Thank You!




  1. Well you could hold a raffle. Or have a bake sale with simple treats like cookies, or rice crispy treats... A car wash would be great for the summer :) Car wash and bake sale together lol

  2. we did one,,,,,  we had a local band play ,we rented a hall, and we went around to different companies and stores and asked them to donate stuff like we had a Tattoo shop Donate a Free Tattoo, and Body Piercing,  we had an Oil chang place donate an Oil change, a tan parlor donated one month Unlimited,, ect ect.

      Then we had a silent auction with the Items,  did a 50/50 draw, charged 10 a couple or whatever, and that was for Food and beer,,,ect ect... we ended raising 12,000 and that was after expenses,,,,  

        Oh we did it for the Troops, My Husband was over there in Iraq,,,,, we took the money and gave it to the FRG , which is the Family rediness Group of the deployed, and they sent the troops stuff they needed ect..

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