
I need help about alan baltes?

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should i email him and ask him for help? is he a rip off? i know hes not an agent but ive heard from many people on yahoo answers that he sends in resumes and head shots for people and helps you get an agent and auditions. i have experience. ive been in many plays ever since preschool. ive been on stage A LOT! dance, orchestra, etc. and my mom even took me to this agency (i forget if its a modeling agency or acting) and i auditioned for this lady and she wanted to make a portfolio for me so am i experienced enough? i really want to follow my dreams because i dream big! so please help me and answer my questions. any extra information will be helpful too. thanks SO much! =)




  1. yes i am signed up with him! he gives you extra info thats not on the blog like extra details! he submits you and you submit yourself for extra luck! and he can help you get an agent!

    go for it!

    he can get you signed up with cesd (selena,jb etc's ageny!)

    for anymore questions feel free to ask

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