
I need help about last name change?

by  |  earlier

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I want to change my last name to my mother's maiden name (I'm over 18) but I was wondering when you change it does it have to be a family name... or can you just use any name you'd like? and do you have to give a reason for the name?




  1. You can change your name to your mothers last name. Depending on where you live, but it will cost you a lot of cash.

  2. in the US, you can use any name you like, so long as it is not for fraudulent purposes.

  3. you can change it to a name you like but you do have to have a reason!

  4. No, it does NOT have to be a family name.  You can change your name to anything you want.  Remember the singer Prince?  For a long time he legally changed his name to a symbol that had no word for it, so he was just called "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince".  He has since changed it back to Prince.  When you see the judge, he will ask you why you want to change it, but it is more a formality and maybe to make sure you don't plan to commit any fraud.  Otherwise, he doesn't really care why and will grant the change.  I have heard of someone who actually legally changed his name to Santa anything goes.  However, I would only SUGGEST that you do use a family name so that your name will have meaning and significance to you and is not just another name that means nothing to you, and think long-term about it.  How will you feel about 10-20-30 years from now.

  5. you can change it but i think it means you abandon your family. like you can't be in any of their wills. i think.

  6. you can choose any name u want. it doesnt have to be a family name.

  7. you can change it to anything you want it dosent have to a family name and no i dont think you have to have a reason why would you?

  8. I'm no expert but I think you can change it to anything you want.

  9. why should you change

  10. you can change it to whatever you want. if there is a reason, just say you don't like how your last name sounds. not a big deal. my kids also want to do the same thing, but it does cost $. not sure how much

  11. it can be any name

  12. people change their names all the time so it doesn't have to be a family name (my uncle and aunt got married and came up with their own last name) i do know when i got married and had to change my name i had to give the reason (divorce marriage other) and i had to check a box.

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