
I need help!!! about my brother

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend savanna both have brothers. they are both the same age! here is the catch. THEY ARE g*y!!! I need help. please respond!!! this is sick!




  1. what do you think you can do?

    people are "g*y" because that is how they were born

    If you want to go to the research about g*y men's autopsies and you will find that there are differences in the brains of strait and g*y men's brains

    you have enough on your plate without trying to interfere in your brothers s*x life

  2. Exactly how old are they anyway. Most of the time when people are younger (and this goes up to college aged kids) they like to experiment. They probably aren't even really g*y, there just doing vile and disgusting experiments. Yuck. Hopefully they will end up getting married to women. I am so glad my brothers aren't as screwed up as yours. My brothers are completly straight, believe me. You are like so unlucky. But look to the bright side, if you brother really is g*y he will be awesome at doing your hair. Ha Ha your brother is a f*g!

  3. just accept it, nothing you can do but to show support and continue loving him because he is still your brother

  4. If they really are g*y than there is not much you can do about it. Just see them as people and ignore the sexual part if you can.  

  5. THAT IS NOT SICK. You can't help who you are attracted to. got that? you can't fix something that is NOT BROKEN in the first place.

    He's not the one that needs help. it's you. you need to get over the fact that  he's g*y and stop being a little immature homophobic he's your brother the least you could do is support him.

  6. What business is it of yours? I mean cmon just accept it. ITs not your business. SO they are g*y is that really such a crime, unless you and your parents are the bible thumping people. Like i said not ur problem, leae it alone.

  7. I'm sure there are things about you that your brother or other people wouldn't necessarily accept. Maturity isn't about judging others but improving yourself.

    Good luck with this endeavor.

  8. Just because your brother is g*y it doesn't mean you have to treat him like he's an alien. You should be there for him, support him against those who are against his sexuality, and just remember, that, no matter what, he is still the brother you grew up with - he is still the same brother you know and love.

    Does it really matter that he's attracted to men rather than women? Does this make him a completely different person? Does this mean that he doesn't deserve to be alive if he feels the way he feels? Well there is one answer to all these questions: No.

    Personally, I think you're just scared to accept your brother for who he is, as well as not ready to accept him for his sexuality. It has obviously come as a shock  so that is why you're feeling the way you do. It takes time but you'll become used to it. Trust me, I know; my cousin is g*y.

    All I can say now is that you share this information with your friend, support your respective brothers as much as you can, and not let your relationship change.

    Another thing is, while it does affect you to some extent, it really is none of your business.

    Hope this helps


  9. well, im not sure what ur question is... r u tryin 2 hook them up or something, like but them on a blind date? well if u r, don't. ur brother will b offended and think that u think he's not good enough 2 find someone on his own...

    but if your question is how 2 deal with him, then talk 2 ur parents, or u and ur friend could talk 2 each other and get help from each other by telling each other everything, and swearin 2 not tell anyone. thats the best way 2 fix ur problems is 2 confide in some1.

  10. Your going to have to accept this and just tell him how you feel. I know that it seems gross but you have no control over it.

  11. The g*y lifestyle has been defined as a lifestyle. No one knows if you are born g*y or you just develop this through your environment.

    If you feel that it is sick, you are entitled to your opinion.

    Some people prefer to be g*y and hang out with other people who are tolerant of this lifestyle.

    I would suggest you just be tolerant. He is your brother.  Accept him for what his is.  Be tolerant. Being g*y is not a disease. It can;t spread to you if you hang out with them. It just a lifestyle.

    Hope this helps.

    p.s. I'm not g*y, I do not hang out with g*y folk. I think its sick also.

    Yet its their lifestyle.

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