
I need help! am i fat? how do i loose the excess weight?

by  |  earlier

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okay, i'm 5'8 and i weigh 190 lbs. i took the BMI tests online and no matter what website i go to, they all say i'm overwieght and i know i am. so how do i loose the excess weight that i have to a more appropriate weight for someone like me? i play basketball, volleyball and i swim all the time but the scales never move. what is the best way to loose the weight?




  1. eat WELL!!  try to get as much excersise and do alot of sit ups i kno that sounds stupid but trust me i do them all the time and i have a six pack and im 12. ahha

  2. eat a balanced diet.

    and you already exercise so (Y) good for you.

    btw, muscle weighs more than fat.

    just something to remember when on the scales.

    not necessarily fat.

  3. i think the only reason the scales doesnt move is b/c the way you eat. Try to eat less high-calories food, and do not eat late at night. I myself is on a diet and i usually do not eat after 4pm.

    i dont do exercise and i am still losing.

  4. You can go on sometype of Herbel Magic . That works great. Or you can lift weights.

  5. i am 5'8'' and used to weight 198lbs two years ago. i lost 20 lbs at first by going to the gym and eating well. a year later i lost 30 lbs in 3 months by going to the gym everyday for an hour and eating around 1200-1600 calories a day!  i ate alot of turkey sandwiches and tuna. but you have to count all the calories like mayo, bread and drink lots of water and eat alot of fruits and you will do great!  

  6. Do you feel fat? If so, you should eat less and exercise more.

    Or, do you feel like you exercise a lot and eat healthy food already. If so, then don't sweat it. Can you run up a flight of stairs? Can you walk a mile? Can you swim 500 yards? If so, you are probably just on the heavy side, naturally, and there is no reason to change.

    The BMI is a good measure of your health, but it is a general measure based on averages. Not everyone can fit into the "average". So, eat healthy foods, if you drink do so in moderation, and do some exercise on a regular basis. If the BMI still says you are overweight, ignore it.

    If you absolutely must try and lose the weight, put on some lean muscle using cardiovascular exercises and eat only when you are hungry, and be sure to stop eating when you are full, even if there is food still on the plate.

    More reps with less weight builds muscles that burn energy more efficiently and will help you keep the pounds off in the future.

  7. BMI are not accurate, because they do not count muscle. If you want to lose weight, just commit. Dont do any fast fixes.

    Get a membership to the gym, and just run as much as you can. It burns calories, which burns fat. I've only gone 7 times and i already lost 5 pounds. Its awesome! Right after you exercise eat a healthy snack, so your metabolism will speed up - and dont cut down on calories or your body will store food as fat imemdiately.

    If you dont eat enough, when you exercise you will burn muscle instead of fat. i know it's cliche, but its also simple. just eat well, and exercise.

  8. Please see my answer below

  9. BMI is meaningless.

    Eat less and exercise more to lose weight, but use the mirror to judge, not some silly online calculator.

  10. dont listen to any online calculator. everyones body is different. you need to find a weight that you feel comfortable at. just eat healthy food and drinks lots of water along with exercise and everything will pan out.

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