I'm really scared, me and my boyfriend have been trying for a baby again and its proving a little harder than we'd hoped, we've just had a massive row about it. Then I've gone and done the stupidest thing and gone straight to my razor. i haven't reacted like that since the last time me and my boyfriend broke up, and then it took a lot of strength not to slip back into my old self harming ways, that took so long to stop. I'm scared now ive just done this and I'm ashamed, how can i bring a baby into the world am i stupid. I know what i did was wrong but i didn't know what i was doing until it was done...
I'm scared i wanna tell my boyfriend because i know he will help me without telling anyone else but i have been called an attention seeker in the past so much when people found out before i self harmed and it would kill me if he said this. I am worried he might think i did it because of him i dunno someone help...