
I need help and advice pls!?

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Ok my friend Megan got these shoes and she was the only one in school with them...

Then I liked them a lot so i saved up money to get them. I finally got them on Monday and then i wore them to school. Then she got all mad at me and was saying i copied her, that they were her shoes only, and calling me a copy cat b****. I don;t know what to do, I'm sad because I lost one of my best friends, but just because I got the same pair of shoes as her!?! It just doesn't seem right to get mad at somebody for getting the same shoes as you. I mean tons of other people in school have the same pair of shoes and you don't see them getting all mad over it! Help I don't know what I should do!??!




  1. SHE'S so OA..Just because you have those shoes, she's mad at you?


  2. i think you should talk to her and tell her that its not your intention to copy her shoes and its not a good reason that she will get mad at you,,if she wants to be unique then she can design her own shoes and stuff.i dont like her attitude she wants some attention.its just a small issue shes not a really good friend if she is,,she will be happy that you got same shoes.

  3. Well, first of all, she DID overrect. Second of all, don't copy people. I know you didn't see any harm in copying her shoes, but trust me it is soo annoying when people copy you eg. hairstyles, shoes, clothes.

    Good luck



    P.S. I dont see why you would want to buy them anyway. NO OFFENCE! (:

  4. Basically, your friend wanted to be special, popular and get praise like, "OOHHH NICE SHOES."

    You wore the shoes too so now she thinks you're trying to steal her glory. If anything your friend is a b*tch. I say you go make some better friends.

  5. Definitely not your friend, tell her to F herself, and make it clear that they are sold to anyone and not just her. You like the shoes you wear the shoes, tell her if she wants to be unique, to MAKE her own shoes.

    Oh, and they are hideous.

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