
I need help and some advice on wat to do

by  |  earlier

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i have 4 guys that love me all at the same time!!! and it is really hard cuz i like one of them back but i already have a bf!!! :( but i need advice on wat to do




  1. this has happened 2 me b4. trust me the best way 2 deal w/ this is 2 play hard 2 get. do u like ur bf? if not it may b time 2 break the news 2 him. if u do then y r u checkin out other guys? tell them mayb after u get over this bf u'll go hang w/ them sometime.

  2. go on a date  with your boy friend ask him questions a record it

    then go out with the other boy that u like do the same thing go on a date record it and with the one that has the best a bout you go out with him

    and if i think its time to split and say this i don't fell right a bout this relationship but ............... then he will say something

  3. If you already have a b-f and you like him then you shouldn't be looking elsewhere. Unless, you don't like your b-f then you can go out with one of the other guys you like.

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