
I need help....and soon?

by  |  earlier

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okay so me and my brother kind of got into a little water

fight but then i poured a bucket of cold water over him in the

shower and then he pined me down and spit on my face.gross

i know.but know i need to get him back and good really good.

so if any one can help me plz help me.




  1. Grow up and let it go.

  2. Ya Just grow up kido

    act big if you cant grow.....

    life is Fun agree but there are time u need to get over it and be mature.

    Life is more about forgiving than Revenge  

  3. Wanna really freak him out?

    Go to him and sincerely apologize. Tell him that what you did was wrong and immature. Ask for his forgiveness.....and mean it!

    Not only will this probably totally stun him, he will likely not bother you again for a while. And, as an added benefit (you'll probably like this...), he will totally not trust you and be very leary of you for quite some time and not sleep so well.

  4. Do one or two things.

    1. wait till he is super crashed out and do either the warm water trick (the hand in the bucket so he can pee)

    or shaving cream on his hand tickle his face and he'll smack himself.

    2. without him knowing spit in his food  

  5. steal all his underwear and put honey in it, or someting weird like that haha ur i wish i had a bro like that thit i could prank;]

  6. draw on him when hes sleeping  

  7. **** on him jkjkjk putt his finger tips in worn water and hee will pee his pants :)


    you are awsome.

    put honey in all of his shoes.

    break something of your moms and blame it on him (make sure you have evidence though!)

    put a creepy animal in his bed. like a racoon AH! (a fake one of course)

    good luck!!

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