
I need help asap? can u plz help me?

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what do i do if my friend texts me saying she is going to kill herself and isnt joking?




  1. tell her parents and run to her house.

    book it, kid!

  2. Call the police and send them to save her life.  If the friend is bluffing, she'll never play such a horrible joke again.  If the friend is not bluffing, you might save their life.  Not joking.  Suicide is not a joke.

  3. Tell your mum ,her mum the police, anyone don't wait to see what we say or she could die go now.

  4. tell her to calm down and go to her and tlk to her eventually shell stop thinking tht


    The best thing you can do for your friend is to try to talk her out of this until an adult can resolve her situation

    CONTACT AN ADULT NOW, mother/father/sister/friends family

    I know if you google the # for suicidal people, you can get a # where your friend can call confidentially and recieve help.

    Your friend needs help

  6. Thats usally a cry for help or a cry for some sort of attention, offer to be there for them or go to them and be with them personally.

    Someone that usally anounces that they are going to commit suicide are usally just looking for attention.

  7. tell an adult that could stop her or have her call the suicide hotline. google it

  8. Call her and talk to her about what is going on!

    and stay on the phone with her and get her to call a helpline

  9. If they were going to kill themselves they wouldnt have texted you, there would be no need for it. But if you care that much, text her back asking to meet. Just spend time with her and try and make her feel better.

  10. I don't know if there's really much you can do. I guess you should make sure she knows you're her friend and you're there for her, you know, to listen to her and just be there for her in general. Maybe you could suggest she get some help. Let her know the world wouldn't be the same without her. I've never actually been in your situation, but there have been times I've gotten tired of living, and I wish there had been someone there to be my friend and make me feel like I mattered.  

  11. well as she has told you about this she is calling out for help she doesnt really want to do it but feels there isnt any other option she needs to talk to someone anyone a helpline or counselor or teacher, social worker, dr anyone she can trust . i dont feel that ringing her parents with this info right now  is going to do much but scare them and probobly push your friend further towards this. get her talking with someone she can trust and then  tell her parents  because she will need their support as well but at the moment she is reaching out to you so talk her through this and get her lots of follow up counseling hope this helps  

  12. woah. i would try to talk her out of it. or go to her house and tell her things like u would be losing ur best friend and it would be on ur conshence. tell her how much she has to do in life and aspire to be. tell her that life is a precious gift that shouldnt be wasted.

  13. remind her what is good in her life. like make a list and tell her! also, like the other girl said, you need to call someone, it doesnt have to be the hopeline, just someone who can help her. tell her parents or tell yours. i know she may be mad at you but your friend is worth it. plus, she'll thank you later! good luck and i hope your friend is okay.=]

  14. Call her parents and the police. I was thinking of commiting suicide and I ddint. Also read the BIBLE. Thats what helped me


  16. Tell your mom. She will know what to do. I know it is teenage protocol to not tell parents anything but if she really does do something you will never forgive yourself if you could have had the opportunity to stop it.

  17. Call her and talk to her about it. I once had to talk a friend of mine out of suicide... Whatever she says, find a reason for her not to kill herself, even if it's "Everyone would miss you". Tell her that she probably doesn't mean it. If she can't look herself in the mirror and tell herself  that she wants to die, then she doesn't.

  18. Tell her that she means to much to you.  Tell her that she cannot give up on you and your friendship.  Suicide is the "easy way" out.  Nothing is worth taking your life over.  Tell her that you care.  That you love her and you DO NOT want her to die.

    80% of suicidal persons do not really want to die.  Remind her of the reasons to STAY alive (family, friends, hobbies, etc).  She might just want attention:  give it to her.

    Also, you need to convince her to tell a trusted adult about her problems, and to see a counselor.

  19. anyone that tells you they are going to kill themselves is never going to do it.

    its the ones that say nothing are the ones you find later dead in there bedroom

    dont get me wrong, your friend still needs to talk to someone because there probably feeling really down.  so just be there for them.  The person is telling YOU because your probably the one that the person wants to talk to OR your the one thats upsetting them


  20. go and c her ask her y she feels like dis remind her dat shes not alone an dat ul support her an dat her family loves her and dat she has to think about wot shes bout to do an what itl do to her family if she does hurt herself just be there for her

  21. tell her that you'll be right over....and call the cops..!!

  22. tell an adult.  

  23. Get off the computer and call the police and send them to her house alos notify her family love,  

  24. Tell her she has a lot to live for, to think about the best things in her life, or tell your parents, they will probably know what to do if she is a teen.

  25. Call her house and alert her parents - NOW.

  26. Go over to her house, or if you cant do that,  just call her and tell her that you love her.

  27. tell her to call the hopeline.

    i was very suicidal and i called them and they helped me through my problems.

    just google "hopeline" and it should come up.

  28. tell someone who can help her!

  29. tell her mother/father or guardian asap!!  or your parents

    or go to her house right away and call the police if she is actually donig it

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