
I need help b4 i have a break down plz?

by  |  earlier

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hi ppl this is how it goes husband wont give me sexual attention or make a moveon me he never has and its starting to chip away badly atn my confidence... ive had chats with him and got no joy he just gives me the silent treatment..i have to ask for s*x or would never get it and most times he never does. also we are ment to be trying 4 a baby ( he wanted to try for a baby b4 i ask) kind of starting to cry every day and getting depressed ... ive tried talking to him as usual iget pushed away.. guys i need sum advice b4 i crack up




  1. He is probably homosexual, pedophile, or something of that nature. Or, he can just be cheating. I had a client with the same problem and he ended being a pedophile. Are you sure you still want a baby with this guy? If you get pregnant, this will ensure nothing and it will be worse getting left with a baby. He is obviously not the one. Be straight with him and don't be afraid to tell him what you think. If he gets defensive, maybe he is one of the above.

  2. A child is not going to fix the problems you have with a partner.  In the long run it will make them increase. You have to both be completely ready.  Obviously He is not.

    Mood Swings, Not wanting to be with you, defensiveness, excuses are all symptoms of infidelity or extreme stress.  Research personality behaviors of a cheating partner and see if they are matching your relationship.

    Take a hard look at your situation. Are you in Denial?

    Start working on loving yourself and what your life is today not what it could be.

    Good Luck!

  3. It sounds like he is either cheating on you or some emotional issue is going on with him.  Tell him you insist on going to see a counseler about this issue.  If he refuses or the counseler doesn't help, get out while you still think you are worth something to someone else.

  4. Wow dis is long have u 2 been married..and how old r u guys?...if u got married young or havent been married dat long maybe he iz feeling like dis isnt neccesarily what he wants. But there is also a possibility that he is cheating. I f u r on the heavier side he cld jus not b that sexually attracted 2 u (no offense if u r, u jus neva kno)...also i have 2 say i've been in a situation where i waz crying a lot, and it really tears away at your well being and sanity becuz it feels like da person dat is suppose 2 luv u most in dat way isnt and it hurts more than many ppl kno,which isnt good for u TRUST ME, b upfront with him, u tell him if he doesnt tlk 2 u and dsnt stop pushing u away maybe u shoukdnt b in this relationship...see what he says, u'll kno den how invested he really is in the well-being of the relationship

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