
I need help becoming cool i'm not that skinny tall and play volleyball and paticipate in band.?

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How can I be cool please help me!!!!!




  1. be yourself..dont be anythin u are not.cuz then u are lame

  2. Find people that accept you for who you are. Don't be a shallow "cool" person. Just be nice to people, there is no other way to make GOOD friends.

  3. i don't think there is really  a true "cool crowd"....just be yourself and be around your friends and have fun and you will be the cool crowd.....just don't care about what other people your best in everything you do and be a kind loving person that people will want to be around and you will be cool=)

  4. What's your definition of being 'cool'? Being cool is over rated. Be an individual and don't follow the flock of sheep; you'll be better off in the long run.

    "SHEEP! You're all...sheep. BAAAAAA"  ~Can't Hardly Wait"

  5. I am cool. I know the secret and I plan to share it with you. you have to promise not to tell everyone because then we would all be cool and you can't have a cool club if everyone is in it.

    The secret to being cool at your age is self confidence and not seeking the approval of others. you can't be subject to peer presure. You may seek attention but approval does not matter. It really does not matter what sports, or activities you do. Do what you want, be confident and whatever you do is now cool as well.

    If you don't believe me look around at the cool kids and see if they match my description.

  6. The coolest thing you can do is love yourself completely and be open and kind to others.  Often the people who are the most popular are people who have a strong sense of themselves and are OK with who they are.  Self esteem is very attractive to people of both sexes.  

    Each night, write a list of 5 or 10 things you like about yourself.  Focus on the positive.  When a negative thought comes into your head, ask yourself, is it really that bad or are you just being hard on yourself?  Try to see something good about everything, even in the bad.  Like I may not be tall, but I have a great smile, eyes, biceps, whatever...

    Focusing on the good stuff over time becomes a habit, and the bad thoughts will fall away.  But you have to stick with it, like exercise, until positive self thoughts are a habit!!!  Your good feelings will be contagious and other people will just want to be around you.  You are cool, you just don't know it yet.

  7. just talk and smile to as amny people as you can laugh at thier jokes be nice and dress nice and be very scial and have a good personality

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