
I need help being successful with online Texas Hold'em Poker.?

by  |  earlier

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I can't get a job because of my age; and my parents approved of me playing online poker to make money. Any suggestions on how to keep that initial deposit going strong? (i. e. a solid strategy, a few tricks, etc.)




  1. play with 'play money' first for on line experience. read books, watch ESPN (wsop) and when you start playing with real money take it step by step and know that hard times ahead of you....

    take care!

  2. Read as much about it as you can.  Understand not just the basics, but the math also before you start playing.  Apply what you learn to low limit games and once you get comfortable move up in limits.  One thing else, learn other games besides Texas hold'em.  There is a whole other world of poker out there besides that game, and all the major sites spread other games too, and if you read and learn about the other games before you play them, you will find most of them very soft (easy to beat) IF YOU UNDERSTAND PROPER PLAY.  The problem with texas hold'em is too many people learned how to play watching an edited version of the game on espn.  You see only one out of 100 hands and it seems the ones winning are playing for every pot, that just ain't how it is.  Be versital, watch the games before you take a seat online.  If you are good at numerous games of poker, it is easier to play 8 or 9 or more hours a day.  By changing games you won't get bored as easy, and bordom at a table is a recipe for disaster.

    A few other hints, download poker tracker, it creates a useful database on everyone you ever played and it lets you know where your holes are, in other words what types of hands are costing you the most.  Subscribe to the pokerdb it gives you an idea of what type of players are at your table.  Poker is a game in which every little bit of knowlege about your opponent gives you a leg up.  There is not an online pro that doesn't use these devices and since I started using them, my online winnings have drastically increased and it has made me a much better player in live games due to the leasons I have learned about my own short comings (poker tracker).  Also use your player note device that almost all sites offer.  The more you know about your opponent, the better off you are.  Good luck.

    Oh yeah, most important of all, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES, you are going to make them, so get something positive from them.

  3. Check the poker lessons and tips at Doyles Room

  4. Playing online is much different than playing online. You can't see the people for a start. So with this in mind it's a totally different ball game.

    To be frank, doing this to make money isn't the best way as it usually ends up wrong.

    Just don't get addicted. Set yourself limits. Start with low blinds first to get a feel for it. Be careful not to get dragged in.

  5. hmmmmmmmmmm  if you are not old enough to get a job then you must also be under age to gamble anywhere.i hope your parents realize the position they put themselves in by approving this venture. you realize irs, atf , fbi, treasury dept.and so on track sites like these.hope you don't get a knock on your door.

  6. find some friends that will play with you in real life for no cash and then play all the time and you should be pretty good in six months or so

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