
I need help bringing out my blue eyes!?

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pale skin with blue eyes.....i have tryed lots of different ways to bring out my eye color i just cant find one that i really like........just wondering if you guys have any suggestions.

thanks for the help! :)




  1. well try wearing a color of blue, no not like a bright blue but a soft  shimmery blue or a darker smokey blue, that always makes mine pop.... i have green blue... now besides blue the best ever is purple! i love..... but also try a nice brown with shimmer in it, smokey type...

    hope i helped.

  2. For sure, wear bright blue shirts and colours that match the colour of your eye. When people see two colours that match, they brighten those colours.

    Also, try blue eyeshadow or even blue eyeliner. I would say black eyeliner is best, unless you're blonde, in which brown eyeliner would probably work better. Also,  no makeup and just mascara and full lashes will bring them out as well.

  3. They are right, blue shirts definitely make blue eyes POP but for blue eyes greens, browns (dark ones mostly), dark blues, light pinks, and even plum can make your eyes pop..and also if your brave enough, using blue mascara (cheapest would be NYC's blue cobalt mascara) would make your eyes pop!

    hope this helps a little :)

  4. opposites usually bring things out, try wearing yellow, and im not joking!

  5. I think dark brown or black eyeliner can really make blue or green eyes pop. All the makeup articles I've read usually suggest gold eyeshadow (since yellow is the opposite of blue) to people with blue eyes. Bright eyeliner, colored mascara, or brightly colored eyeshadow could work to depending on the look you are going for.

  6. colors to wear for shirts: blue, black, white.

    eye makeup to wear: green and purple! and black eyeliner.

  7. Going for the "smokey eye" look brings out blue eyes. Also try brown eyeshadow.

  8. Brown eyeshadow works really good!

    And so does light purple.

    Maroon shirts look really good with blue eyes, and of course blue shirts and other colors in that family!

  9. Blue and Brown..for tops.

    liquid top eyeliner:Brown

    lavendar/purple/brown eyeshadows

  10. I have blue eyes and im a guy. Ive heard that when i wear blue shirts it makes my eyes "POP"!

    hope this helps but youve probably already tried it

  11. yeah i have blue eyes to. i wear navy blue and sometimes brown shirts when i want my eyes to pop. I also wear brown eyeshaddow sometimes. But ussualy i just wear like a lilac purple eyeliner : ) good luck!

    Oh and i put a really light color of soft pink or almost even white eye shaddow in the corner of my eye and that helps a ton!

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