
I need help can i break my custody judgment as well?

by  |  earlier

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so my ex and i have joint custody but i have physical custody he had to pay child support he has not paid any of it. well he is not mentally there i really feel that he is mentally sick he is not stable does drugs and so forth but i tried to give him the chance to be a father and he is not. my question is if i was not to let him take her his weekends what would happen to me? would i get arrested...or anything PLEASE HELP!!!

also since he has not paid his child support and hesbreaking his half of the judgment can i?




  1. Nope. Unfortunately, Child Support and visitation are two separate things. A father can decide not to pay his CS for months, yet the mother still has to give him the court-ordered visitation.  If you deny his visitation, you'll be in way more trouble than him not paying his CS!

  2. Call legal services or the local women's shelter or family services. They can best advise you about the law where you reside.

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