
I need help choosing rabbit supplies....?

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So i have a new bunny and while I have the most basic supplies, I am trying to figure out what would be the best to purchase him in terms of a leash, a brush, a litter box, types of litter (I have just been using newspaper....), and toys.

Also, how can I get him to be more receptive to me? I have had him for a few weeks and while he has gotten used to my room and moves around it freely, he still pretty much avoids me. I don't really go up to him except to put him in his cage, I pretty much ignore him and sometimes he sniffs my feet but that's about it. He came up to me once and bit my leg and then ran away???




  1. Try testing out what kind of leash would be best for your rabbit. I tried tying a leash like thing around my rabbits body before and it Hated it. So I definitely know I won't be getting the leash where it ties under its body. You don't really need to brush your rabbit unless its fur is really long. As for litter boxes they have all sorts when you go to the pet store. I think the ones that are shaped to fit into the corner is a good choice. A lot of people use cat litter, but I'm sure newspaper is fine if you don't find any problems with it. And for toys, maybe a small stuffed animal or a small ball will be pretty good. And I know what you mean about your rabbit avoiding you. My rabbit hates being held and it likes roaming around by itself, but it will follow me around. I barely touch my rabbit either except when I put it back in its cage. Grr I just want to hug it!! But it won't let me :( Well if you really want to hold/play with it, try holding it frequently and get it used to pettings and such.

    Good luck!

  2. lol, well wut do you expect , i meen you cant just ignore your new pet. you have to play with it and pet it.  

    -for a leash, they make bunny leashes.  mine is like a dogs, around the tummy and neck, and then just get like a sumwut long tie up ropeish thing, and MAKE SURE HE CANT CHEW THREW IT. lol.  then you can just have him run around and you can let him run around outside tied to a tree but you still need to watch him while hes out there.

    -my bunny doesnt like being brushed.  but i have this cleaning stuff for when he kinda stinks .. hahah.   its called quick and clean, instant shampoo.  

    -i clean out his litter box like every 3 days and i have a kitty litter box so it takes up like almost half his cage so when i clean it he like laying in the bedding.

    -newspaper stinks!!!! i dont like kitty litter, it gets stuck to their feets and their tail.  use this fluffy stuff. its just the bedding stuff.

    -toys, well my bunny doesnt like toys, ive tried like everything, but he doesnt play, he doesnt like carrots either.  one time he did take about 7 kleenexes out of the box and ran and gave them to me.  just try wutever.   they need something to chew on thow to keep their teeth from overgrowing.

  3. Well go through a checklist you should have the *'s and the ~'s should be things to consider getting

    *Cage/ Or Hutch

    *Rabbit Pellets


    Food Dish

    *Water Dish/ Bottle

    *Stick/ Wood to gnaw on{Wood is needed so their teeth don't overgrow!}

    ~Litter Pan

    ~Bedding{I use wood shavings}

    ~Nail clippers{Nails have to be clipped}

    ~Special Rabbit soap{Human soap is too harsh on their skin}

    ~Soft brush, you should buy  abrush that you can run along your own face, without it hurting, it should be a soft brush, with smooth bristles.

    ~Treats{I buy, Yogies, and other pet treats, sold at pet stores}

    ~Fruits/ Veggies{I add a small ammount into my bunnies feed}

    To answer your starting question, a leash and collor are not nessicities, but if you feel you would like one, you can take your bunny with you to a petshop, and ask the cashier to find a well fitting collar for you, or you can try them on yourself, and decide which you like, as for a leash, are you really gonna be taking your bunny on that many walks?

    If so, then heck, just buy one, I don't t hink it matters what brand, just as long as the collar fits nicely.

    As I mentioned earlier, use a soft brush, with soft bristles, and always brush in the line of his hair, this will give it a shinier look, but for the most part, rabbits will keep themselves clean and well groomed.

    As for a litter box, I reccomend trying to find one with high edges, since bunnies tend to kick litter all over the floor!

    You can use

    *Newspaper shreddings

    *Wood shavings

    *Cat litter

    *I would assume sand, though I've never tried it....

    All except the sand, are good beddings/Litter to use.

    You should clean his cage once every 2-3 days, {If messy} And his box every 1-2 days.

    I perfer not to use newspaper, cause it tends to stick a bit, but shreddings should be alright.

    As for toys, you can give homeade toys, or you can buy them, I use Toilet paper tubes, small boxes, small balls, bells, treat toys work well also, keeps them entertained and provides snacks, treat balls can be filled with assorted things, ranging from acctual treats, to probably Cherrios{Cherrios might be a bit small} But you could put veggies in!

    As much as I hate to break it to you, your rabbit isn't going to get close to you, unless you put in the work, and the training, to start out, catch him, and hold him, stroke his ears, for 1 minute, then put him down, or in his cage

    The next day, do it for two minutes, continue this routine till he gets used to you, try giving a treat after each session, and throughout the day, give him healthy treats, such as Veggies, a little bit of a banana, Berries, Berry leaves, Potato peels, tiny piece of lettuce, just as long as it isn't IceBerg, also too much lettuce can cause stomache problems, a little is okay though! xD

    Every time he bites, Gently, but correctivly flick him in the nose, with a stern"NO!" then lock him in his cage, for 5 minutes, completely ignoring him, don't loo kat him, tal kto him, try not to be in the same room. He'll begin to get the point after a few times.

    To make him a lot sweeter, after you hold him, or in the morning, before you feed him, let him come to you, and just sit down, with him in your lap, and stroke him for a while, he'll learn to enjoy this, however if he doesn't come, to you within 5 minutes, go get him, and bring him to you, then give him a treat, THEN pet him.

    Confusing I know, but it should work well.

    Good luck, and have fun with him too!

    email me for anythign you need!

    I can give tips about

    *Litter Training

    *Breaking Bad habbits


    *Correct health

    * Breeding'*Raising





    *bathing/ Trimming nails

    And lots more be sure to email em for ANYTHING you need!

    I hope this helped!

  4. Weird!

    Maybe your Bunny's trying to get more attention!

    Have you ever played with him?

    Maybe make a little bit of the room where it's devoted to your bunny, make it so he can go in and out as he pleases!

    Put most of his belongings in there ie: Food and water bowls (Buy two one for his hutch is well.),

    toys (Some wooden blocks, salt blocks (Both for gnawing his teeth on so they don't get too long!), and a mouse thing where mice use it to hide under (Bunny's, well most of them use the mouse thing to climb on, gnaw on, and spin round!),  Hay (A definite, it acts like grass for rabbits!),

    Maybe if you can afford it, a bed (Like a cat bed.),

    And a lead and harness, you can lead him round the garden, great for exercise and building relationship!

    Start hand feeding your rabbit veges, if he refuse's to eat it, put some smooth peanut butter on them, but not too much because it isn't too good for him, but a vet did tell me it was OK for a little bit of it! Don't force him to eat the veges either.

    When he sniffs your feet he probably wants some attention!

    Litter wise sawdust, or hay but it's not as good.

    A brush, definite.

    litter box, any kind but be warned once you move the litter box or change the litter box he will not go in the new place or wont go in the new litter box, trust me I've been there!

    Try putting your hand out to him and kneeling, he might come to you some day!

    Names- give him a name, then call out to him reguly,  so he gets used to his name!

    I hope this helps!

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