
I need help choosing what to get for my rat?

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hey I'm getting a pet rat and i had a few questions. i saw these flavoured salt wheels for Small animals should i get one for my rat and what is the best bedding to get i heard that you can on ly get certain wood shavings like aspen but you can also get paper which is better and what material is better if i made a litter box for them to potty train them




  1. ok, first. get 2 rats. Here is why-

    It is a long artical, but it does explain why you need more than one.

    I have guinea pigs and have never used the flavored salt wheels, but if your rat will not use a normal one, a flavored one would be best, try buying both and see whitch ong they like best.

    The best bedding I have ever used for any rodent is carefresh. It cost a little more, and is made out of recycled newspaper!  And just buy little made for rodent litter boxes. Cat litter sometimes has to many dyes and smells that could hurt your rats! Also, make sure you get a cage with at least 4 sq. feet, 2 for eat rat. Better yet, get a cage made for a guinea pig(They are pretty large, but not large enough for guinea pigs) Or my first home ferret cage. It is reasonably small, way to small for a ferret, but great for a group of rats!

    Like these cages-

    That one is by far the best, the only thing is you would need to replace the wheel, ot else your rat could get bumblfoot on the wire wheel. A solid plastic wheel would be best.

    That one is ok, still a little more that 2 rats for that one. There is also not a lot of floor space for the rats to run around, and you would have to add a wheel.

    That one is very good, it has a lot of floor space for them to run atound, all you need to do is add a wheel and toys and hidey huts.

    Ok, good luck with your rats!

  2. do NOT use wood shavings for your rats. use something paper based. i bought my 2 rats a salt l**k, and they didnt touch it

  3. I used carefresh and it made the cage stink because it didn't asorb the pee and poo, it doesn;t work like it should, I found the best kind of bedding was wood shavings like aspen.

  4. never use wood shavings like aspen because it can irritate their eyes if it got in them.  Go with carefreash pet bedding.  you can find it at your local pet store.  Also go with the non-colored bedding.

  5. Don't get the salt wheels, most rats won't use them go with a mineral wheel, those are great and my lil rats love em! Don't use wood for bedding, it's not good for them, use something paper based, like carefresh or just shredded newspapers, but make sure you lay it think, rats love to tunnel and dig. Also a litter box is a great idea but be sure whatever 'litter' you use make sure it isn't the same as the bedding or it will defeat the purpose! lol

    Hope I helped!

  6. I just bought my rat a mineral wheel which is probably the same thing as those flavored salt wheels.  I bought the Carefresh bedding.  He seems to like it.  They have special potty training sets for rodents and rats.  If I were you I would use the material that came with that.  I hope this helps you and have fun with your pet rat.

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