
I need help coming up with a hypothesis for this simple experiment?

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does the swing of a pendulum take longer for an object of greater mass?

I don't care if the hypothesis is wrong or right I just need it to make sense. Thanks




  1. answer: no

    The frequency of the pendulum "swing" is given by


    mass is not a factor.

  2. One hypothesis is simply the period or time of a swing on a pendulum is independent of the mass on the pendulum and dependent on the length of the pendulum and the amount the mass is displaced  before it is let go.  It is independent of the mass because all objects fall at the same velocity (except for air resistance, and other 'minor factors.'

    This idea is easily tested and a few simple experiments will show where it is right and where it is wrong.  Nothing wrong with getting a good theory from a flawed hypothesis and it tends to over impress teachers.

  3. The length of time for a pendulum to complete one complete swing is not dependent on the mass of the pendulum.

  4. I believe that the swing of a pendulum will take longer for an object of greater mass because the greater mass will be harder for the pendulum to move.

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