
I need help convincing my mother...?

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I want to go on an exchange to Germany for a term (roughly three months). I'm fourteen, and, from September, I will only have six terms left at school before my GCSEs. My mum says that going to Germany for a sixth of the time I have left at school will be really bad for my education. She says that she would CONSIDER letting me go for half a term, but I don't think I would be able to properly get to grips with the language in that amount of time, so it would almost (not quite) be a waste of time. We have German lessons at school, so after I came back to England (presuming I wouldn't need to attend the German lessons if I learnt the language while I was there) I would have two fourty-five minute lessons a week to catch up on things I missed. I think, if I concentrated, I'd be able to follow maths and similar stuff (numbers are the same in each country...) so I wouldn't get that behind in subjects like that. I need help convincing her that I wouldn't lose that much of my education...HELP!




  1. Sorry, but I am on your mother's side.  Is there a reason you want to leave home for three months?  Why not finish your education and do the exchange at a later date?  You would have problems with maths and sciences as well as the German language classes.  When I speak German, I do not use English numbers.  There may be other factors that your mother is considering, such as your maturity level.  You sound very young as you still expect your mother to give you whatever you want.  If your reason is really your desire to learn German, remain in the classesthat are available in your neighbourhood.  When you go to college or university, you can choose to take courses in other countries.

  2. The idea of going to Germany & immersing yourself in the language sounds fantastic, I think you're very excited about the prospect of being able to go abroad & it's clouding your judgement.  It's a h**l of a thing for anyone to allow their child to go abroad on their own for a short period, let alone 3 months, even in adult terms 3 months is a long time.  I don't know how committed you are to your coursework or learning a language but I wouldn't imagine a GCSE really merits that kind of commitment.  Besides the financial outlay for your parents, there's the anxiety & worry it will inevitably cause your parents.  I also don't think you've realised how difficult it can be to up sticks & move to another country even if it is just for 3 months, I don't think you have the maturity or emotional wherewithal to cope with it.  

    Perhaps you & your parents could go on an extended to holiday to Germany over the summer holidays so you can try out your language skills.  

    If you decide to continue with German to A Level then perhaps an exchange programme would be a good idea but not right now.

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