
I need help cooking vegetables?

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i am a horrible cook, but i cannot live of mac and cheese and spaghetti any longer. i am trying to make healthier side dishes. how do i cook vegetables (ie steam brocolli, cook potatoes etc.). thanks in advance!




  1. I got good one.

    Roasted Asparagus.

    Cut off the bottom of the sticks(?) (Touch parts)

    Put them on a baking dish.

    Pour 1 T Olive oil

    Mix well.

    Sprinkle fresh ground black pepper and salt.

    Bake at 450 for 15~18 minutes.

    You'll love them !

  2. well to cook potatoes u put them in water and boil them untild they have gone soft but thats if you want them boild for roasten put them in the oven on 120 degrees till theyv gone soft but not burnt. for other vegetables like carrots sweetcorn ect boil them aswell and every now and again while cooking them try one but not if it can give you food poisning to make sure there cooked so you dont get food poisning cut into them if there still the colour they wher when you first got them let them cook longr until there a shade darker. im reeli young and iv known all of this since i was 9.

  3. first off.... CLEAN YOUR VEGTABLES!!! you won't get sick from under cooked vegtables but you will from chemicals on them.

    boil potatos, you can boil other things too, but some don't come out well, you may invest in a steamer.

    stir fry is a option, oil a pan ( a deep skillet or a Wok) spice the oil a litte, i throw some cyanne pepper in, then start making the vegtables, start with carrots, mushrooms, tofu, and anything wlse that will take a while to cook first then add the rest, they call it stir fry because you need to stir it so it doesn't burn, (burn tofu is not good!!!)so keep the food moving. onions, celery, carrots, mushrooms, water chestnuts, walnuts (i like it!), peas (string, snap or just green peas), sausage (just making sure you are paying attention), peppers, squash, and rice are all viable to use in this, pre cook the rice not the dry rice in the box.

    another option is pizza, make it or find a veggie one.

    make soups too, soup is easy but takes a while, use vegtable broth, onions, celery, and carrots to start and kind of just go with it.

    experament, have fun, but eat it all and figure out why something is awful and other things are awesome!

    cooking can be fun!!!

    Steaming works by first boiling water, causing it to evaporate into steam; the steam then carries heat to the food, thus cooking the food. Such cooking is most often done by placing the food into a steamer, which is a typically a circular container made of metal or bamboo. The steamer usually has a lid that is placed on the top of the container during cooking, to allow the steam to cook the food. basically all you need to do is have a pot of boiling water and a platform where you have the vegtables away from the water, like a strainer, places like kmart have little steam platforms that are metal that colapse and will fit most pans, and cover the pan, like going into a steam room. but a lot hotter.

    also they make steamers just for that perpose.

  4. has terrific recipes. Here are some recipes soon to be posted and I hope they help you out of your dilemma..  

    Baked Organic Idaho Potato

    In your vegetarian kitchen, no baked potato compares to the excellence of the Organic Idaho Potato. They have developed a firmer skin and more potato starch so that when they are baked the resultant dish is lighter and fluffier. Low in calories and high in flavor, the wholesome goodness of a perfectly baked Organic Baked Idaho Potato is a succulent joy whenever you decide to serve it. It is also a blank canvas for you to create a unique work of culinary art utilizing a wide variety of delicious toppings to enhance the nutrition, taste and eye appeal!

    Choose the same sized Idaho Potatoes for this dish, so that they cook evenly.

    Scrub the skins well and inserting the point of your chef’s knife into the belly of the potato cut a shallow incision in the fleshy part of the vegetable.

    Place on a baking sheet which you have covered with your Pie Beans, dry Red Lentils or Kosher Salt to absorb the moisture. Put the baking sheet into a 400° oven for 45 minutes. Remove Serve with any of a variety of toppings from the simple to the elegant:The list is only limited by your imagination. Choose from:Organic Butter and Freshly ground Black Pepper or Sour Cream and Snipped Chives

    Alouette Herb Cheese and Minced Zucchini

    Cheddar Cheese Sauce

    Fried Onions and Sour Cream

    Roasted Shallots in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Broccoli with Boursin Cheese

    Vegetarian Baco’s and Butter with thinly sliced Green Onions

    Caponata Olivada

    Goat Cheese and Chives

    Pepper Jack Cheese and Asparagus Tips

    Chipotle Salsa and Queso Fresco

    Soyriso and Pepper Jack Cheese with Sour Cream

    Etc.The sky’s the limit. Where does your imagination take you? Yum!


    Baked Spinach Lasagna Rollups with Portobello Pâté

    Talk about succulent main dishes to prepare in your vegetarian kitchen!  This baked spinach lasagna rollup with portobello pâté is a party perfect iteration of the ever popular lasagna. It is beautiful, fragrant and simply scrumptious. Your family will be begging you to do it again and again – and you will be only too happy to do it!

    1 Package Lasagna Noodles cooked

    1 pound Sliced Portobello Mushrooms

    3 Tbs. Minced Fresh Garlic

    3 Tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Sea Salt and Black Pepper to Taste

    1 Can Ricotta Cheese

    ½ Cup Shredded Mozzarella

    ½ Cup Shredded Pecorino Romano

    2 ½ tsp. Dry Ener-G Egg Replacer

    2 Cups Spinach Leaves sliced thinly

    2 Tbs. Basil rolled and sliced thinly

    1 Quart Tomato Sauce recipe below

    Sauté Portobello Mushrooms

    Mince and set aside

    Mix the cheeses with the dry Ener-G Egg Replacer

    Fold in the sliced Spinach and Basil

    On each Lasagna Noodle spread a layer of the Ricotta

          mixture on two thirds of the length of it

    Then spread a layer of the mushroom pate on two

          thirds of the length of the ricotta layer

    Roll the noodles toward the bare end

    Place each into a baking dish which has been splashed

          with Tomato Sauce

    Brush with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Cover loosely with  an Aluminum foil tent

    Bake at 350° for 20 minutes

    Remove tent

    Top the center of Each Lasagna Roll-Up with Tomato Sauce

          leaving the ruffled edges

    Sprinkle with Grated Parmesan Cheese and Basil slices

    Basic Tomato Sauce

    Rich in Lycopene, this basic tomato sauce is a staple in your vegetarian kitchen; a genuine make ahead and have on hand sauce which can be frozen.

    ¼ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    1 Spanish Onion diced

    4 Cloves Garlic diced

    3 Bay Leaves

    1½ Tbs.  Fresh Thyme Leaves Bruised

    2 Cans Crushed Tomatoes

    1 tsp. Sea Salt

    3 Tbs. Basil Leaves Rolled and Sliced

    In a 3-quart stainless steel saucepan, heat the Olive Oil  

         over medium heat

    Sauté the Onion and Garlic until golden

    Add the Thyme and Bay Leaf

    Add the Tomatoes and Basil

    Season with Black Pepper

    Lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes



    Here is a baked Tzimmes which combines Sweet Potatoes, Tart Cortland Apples, and Carrots, along with Pitted Prunes to form a sweet dessert vegetable pudding baked in your vegetarian kitchen to the delight of your family and friends. Traditionally served at Yom Kipur, you don’t have to be either Jewish or breaking a fast to enjoy this dish.

    1 small whole, unpeeled orange

    2 Cups Organic Sweet Potatoes shredded

    2 Cups Organic Carrots shredded

    2 Cups Cortland Apple minced

    1 Cup Honey

    1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon

    ½ tsp.Nutmeg

    ½ tsp. Allspice

    ½ tsp. Ground Ginger

    ½ tsp. Sea Salt

    ½ tsp Black Pepper

    ½ Cup Organic Flour

    1 Stick Butter

    ½ Cup Sultanas

    ½ Cup Pitted Prunes Chopped

    Shred all the vegetables through your Kitchen Aid Food


    Process the Orange in your Kitchen Aid Food Processor

    Sift all of the dry ingredients together

    Toss the shredded vegetables and dried fruit together with the flour spice mixture in a bowl

    Put the mixture into a greased 9 X 13 baking dish

    Drizzle with Honey

    Dot with Butter

    Cover with lid

    Bake at 350° for 40 minutes

    Uncover and continue baking for an additional 20-30 minutes

    Remove from the oven

    Allow to cool ten to fifteen minutes before serving

    Eggless Carrot Coriander Tofu Quiche

    Our eggless carrot coriander tofu quiche is company fare from your vegetarian kitchen par excellance! This superb do-ahead Vegan delight for brunches, buffets and Sunday night suppers is an exceptional eggless, dairy free delight! To make it Wheat Free- Gluten Free also – prepare  the crust using  Sweet Sorghum Flour in place of wheat! This quiche freezes well, so make two and freeze one for unexpected guests.

    *An exceptional Dairy Free Quiche

    One Quiche feeds 8 people adequately.

    For each two pies you will need: 2 prepared 11” pie shells

    In a Kitchen Aid Food Processor put:

    2.5 pounds Firm Tofu

    1 heaping Tbs. Eden Umeboshi Plum Paste

    8 oz. Toasted Tahini

    1 Cup Cooked Butternut Squash

    1/2 Cup hot cooking liquid from the squash is best

    2 Tbs. heaping "Ener-G" Egg Replacer

    Ground Cayenne Pepper to taste

    Scant 1/4 tsp Ground Nutmeg

    Szeged Hungarian Paprika

    Peel and cut 3 Cups Carrots Nituke

    2 large Red Onions Nituke

    Sauté until tender in Canola Oil along with 2 Tbs. Ground Coriander. Fold into the tofu mixture. Distribute evenly in the pie shells, piling the filling high. Sprinkle lightly with Szeged Hungarian Paprika and a dusting of Nutmeg. Bake at 350º for 45 minutes until firm and golden.

    These can be prepared ahead of time and reheated without loss of flavor or texture. In fact, to ensure even attractive slices, it is best prepared ahead of time and reheated.

    Wheat Free – Gluten Free – Dairy Free Pie Crust

    If your dietary restrictions require a wheat-free, gluten-free, dairy-free pie crust, and you still want a tasty, flaky product – here’s how to do it in your vegetarian kitchen.

    1 Stick Earth Balance Margarine

    2 Cups Sweet Sorghum Flour

    1 tsp. Sea Salt

    3 -4 Tbs. Iced RO Water

    Cut margarine into the Sweet Sorghum Flour and Sea Salt

    Mix together using as little water as possible

    Roll out on a Sorghum floured board

    Fit into the pie plate

    Trim and flute

    To pre-bake the crust, fill with pie-beans or pie-weights

    Place in a 350° oven for ten to twelve minutes

    Remove to a wire rak and cool

    Remove and store pie-beans or weights for another usage

    For a Whole Wheat Crust use Whole Wheat Pastry Flour in place of the Sweet Sorghum Flour.

    To make a lighter crust use ½ Unbleached White Flour and ½

    Whole Wheat Pastry Flour.

    Butter may be used in place of the Earth Balance Margarine.


    Carrot Hiziki Sauté

    Catch a wave in your vegetarian kitchen when you add this robust sea vegetable to your spicy Carrot Hiziki Sauté. Sometimes known as Hijiki, Hiziki is an exceptionally flavorful sea veggie which adds drama and beauty to the plate and delight to the palate. Yum!

    Sauté in

    2 Tbs. Organic Unrefined Plain Sesame Oil (not Toasted Sesame Oil)

    1 Tbs. each Minced Garlic and Minced Ginger

    1 Red Onion Sliced thinly


    2 Carrots Sliced ‘Nituki’ or Matchstick style

    Stir Fry until golden and fragrant – about 3 minutes


    ¼ Cup Soaked and Drained Hiziki or Arame

    Stir Fry until all liquid has evaporated and the Hiziki is covered in the oil

    Whisk together in a small bowl:

    Splash Eden Mirin

    2 Tbs. Shoyu

    ¼ tsp Wasabi Paste (or less)

    Splash San-J Szechwan Hot Sauce (optional)

    Pour over Carrot and Hiziki Stir Fry

    Cover for two minutes

    Plate over mounded Whole Grain Organic Brown Rice

    Garnish with finely sliced Spring Green Onions

    Carrot Dinner Pie in Almond Crust

    Here is a Savory Main Dish Carrot Dinner Pie in Almond Crust; sweet, smoky and creamy with smoked provolone, in a crispy Almond Whole Wheat Crust we think you are going to love. You know carrots are both naturally sweet and versatile in your vegetarian kitchen, moving as they do between juice,

    salad, soup, stir fry and side dishes all the way to main

    dishes and yes, even desserts. This treatment will delight! Yum!

    Almond Crust

    6 Tbs. Butter

    1 1/4 Cups Whole Wheat Pastry Flour

    1/2 Cup Almond Meal

    1/4 tsp. Sea Salt

    1/4 tsp. Granulated Onion

    1 Tbs. Finely Sliced Spring Onions

    3-6 Tbs. Iced RO Water

    Making the Crust

    Cut the Butter into the Granulated Onion,  Flour, Sea Salt and Almond Meal. Mix in the Spring Onion along with the Iced RO

    Water working it until it all comes together.

    Roll out on a lightly floured board and plate in an 11” pie plate, fluting the edges.

    Fill with pie beans or pie weights

    Bake at 350°for ten minutes

    Remove to a wire rack and cool

    Remove Pie Beans or Weights and save in a jar

    Carrot Filling

    3 California Organic Carrots Sliced into Carrot Flowers

    1 Red Onion Minced

    2 Tbs. Butter

    2 Cu

  5. Sneak your veggies in the quick and easy way!  Add a cup or two of FROZEN pre-cut veggies to soup, pasta sauce, or even rice (as it's being cooked).  I do this all the time and it works quite well.  To steam veggies, you should get a pot with a double-boiler that has a steamer.  The steamer has holes in it and it sits in the pot just above the boiling water.  You want to steam your veggies so that they are bright in color but still a little crisp.  Do a taste test to get the right amount of crunch. Everyone likes a different amount of crunch!  For squash (acorn squash is the easiest and most tasty, in my opinion) simply cut it in half (carefully, the skin is tough so use a good knife and keep your fingers out of the way!!!) Then scoop out the seeds.  You can add a bit of butter, brown sugar and cinnamon in the center but acorn squash is very good without anything on it too.  Wrap the two halfs in foil and bake for an hour.  To cook potaotes, stab them with a fork a few times and then cover them with water and boil until soft OR wrap them in foil bake them for about an hour.  You can keep a big bowl of potatoes cut in wedges in your fridge in cold water.  Take out what you need and toss with seasoning salt (or popcorn seasoning like ranch or cheddar) and olive oil.  Bake on a tray and presto!  Potato wedges!  Check out for cooking ideas and recipes.  Good luck and happy cooking!

  6. Hi, use this link, it tells you how to prepare and cook your veggies, really clear instructions and includes how to steam broccoli, think it will help you!! :) -

    And you will NOT get food poisoning from part cooking vegetables, most of them you can eat raw!

  7. for a varity of recipes go to this site. - the recipes are free and easy

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