
I need help ? cricket help?

by  |  earlier

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I play for Northampton U-13 and last week in training for my normal club my bat broke because of a yorker.

I need a new bat before tuesday because we are playing yorkshire at home

My dad said the i could get any 2 bats i want but i have to choose carefully.

So i need your help , here is some info about me

I Bat at number 4

i love the leg side

I'm a good puller and hooker

I like easy shots like the glance

I like facing spinners

If it helps i'm an off spiner and i'm a slip fielder

I'm also a good cutter

So? what bats do you suggest i buy?

Thanks for any answer





  2. oh!

  3. i think gm will b the most suitable bat 4 ur wishes 4 ur game

  4. Depends on height, strength and many other factors.

    Best option is to head down to a good sports/cricket store and see what bat feels best in your hands.

  5. It's not a question of what brand to choose its a question of what bat suits you. What you should do is go down to whatever the quality cricket store is around your area, talk to the staff there and just spend time looking at a range of bats. Brands don't really mean anything it's about what bat feels the best to you there's no point buying a Kookaburra that's to heavy and to big for you just because you like Kookaburra. Don't go into the store looking for a specific bat just look at everything till you find what you like the most.

  6. Its hard to say!! I would reccomend that u go to ur local cricket store and ask them.

    I am not sure abt bats in England, Sorry!!

  7. Buy Pooma or kokkaburra.. Any englis willow would come handy for you.. And See If You need to pull your shots Then You must have a very heavy bat... I have kokaburra and I play for a club.. I hav scored 5 centuries with that bat.. Its my luky one

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