
I need help dealing with a co worker i'm interested in!?

by  |  earlier

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so i'm almost 17 and my co worker is almost 19. he is my boss's cousin and i met him in the beginning of the summer. i knew from the mintue i saw him i was going to have problems lol.. because he is exactly what i am looking for.

he's sending me mixed signals and i'm not sure if hes interested in me.

he has a very good sense of humor, similar to mine in many ways. we are both very sarcastic and he always says things to me like "oh you were aloud on that roller coaster wasn't there a heigh limit." and he'll always playfully make fun of me like that.

then.. this little girl came up to us at work (we work at a childrens camp) and she said if you wear this hat you will fall inlove with the first person you see. dannny said somethng like.. well thats the opposite for me and alex because it would be illegal?? i didn't hear him but as soon as i heard that i gave up all hopes. i don't really know if he said that its illegal for all the children to wear that hat.....? or if he looks at any of the children and "falls inlove" THAT'S illegal! it's driving me crazy because i really like him but i don't think he's into me. and now he's going to college this thursday =( what do i do?




  1. hi.i think you should post this in the dating section


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