
I need help dechiphering dreams of friends of mine.?

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I ask that if you seriously don't know what you are talking about to not post an answer, thank you. I have been acting as a dream guide per say to two friends of mine. They are boyfriend and girlfriend. He moved half way across the country and she was left here. Anyways my guy friend has this reaccouring dream where he is at this camp thing that he is coming back down here for. And with him is this blond chick who is hanging all over him, and him over her. He had this dream a month or two before they moved to the place they are living, his next door neighbor is this blond chick. He has try to alter his dream many different ways, one he managed to go over to where his girlfriend right now was sitting and she starts cursing him out and calling the blond girl a s**t ectra. Then this always happens no matter what him and the blond girl go out in the woods with one of us the guys cause we are playing capture the flag, something. When they get to this clearing a dude in black like attacks




  1. Ok.... I'm going to be praying and looking back at this over the next few days.  But, if you're friend is working to change the dream, it could be confusing the message.  He needs to let it play out so the true meaning will come through.  Lucid dreaming has its purposes, but it does interfere with dream interpretation.


    Ok, I see that I have already responded to you on the girl's dream.  This is a dream about sexual "fire"..... passion released before its time, as they are young a not married.

    I already pretty much nailed it, in the first dream, that the guy is the "fire starter" who is pulling this girl away from living in the way that is right and pure (lion represents God).   Perhaps you didn't like my answer the last time!  Or perhaps they didn't.  Go back and read it.  I'm surer than ever I was right the first time.  And the fire is passion/lust.  He has "lit her fire" and it is a consuming fire, drawing her away from God.

    This blond chick represents passion/lust as well.  He is not the kind of guy who can be true for long, especially at a distance.  Sorry.  I call them as I see them.  I try to be nice about it, but this is what I believe.  He is too young to be held to a commitment to any certain girl at this age, but it would be good if he made a commitment to God not to hop from girl to girl, starting fires.

    "Capture the Flag" is a game of conquest.  It is also commonly used by young men who do not have the best of intentions to get girls off in the dark by themselves and take things they have no business taking.  It is possible he is questing for something more than a flag.  (I'm starting to feel like I know you guys personally!)  The guy dressed in black may be temptation, or it might be "discovery" and when things done in the dark come into the light, it's not always a pretty sight.

    Walking into the pond represents baptism and repentance.  I hope he is sincere.  His girlfriend wants to know if he is.  She knows who he REALLY is, and she has also been burned by his desire, and by letting him get closer than she should have.  They both need to seek God's forgiveness and start fresh.  It is likely they need to pursue singleness during their teen years so they can grow to be all God created them to be without so many distractions and probably consequences.

    Pray about his dream about your girlfriend.  Word does have a way of getting around, even when you think things are totally under wraps.  If you tell ONE person, or one person sees you.  Or if SHE told even one person... that's how it goes.

    You are his friend, but I'm not so sure you should trust him.  Has he proven himself to be completely honest and trustworthy in the past?  Pray about it.

    God bless you all.


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