
I need help deciding who to vote for ......?

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ok so i was thinking i wasnt gonna even vote, because im not sure i like either canidate....does anyone know a site that pretty much puts them side by side and compares them and what the "say" they will do? i am 25 and have never voted before...thanks!




  1. if you care about your future and that of your family, education and health care vote OBAMA

    if you care about how you can make corporations richer vote McCain

  2. Vote Obama.

    George W. Bush has a 29% approval rating. THE LOWEST IN U.S. HISTORY....John McCain has stood by George W. Bush in the senate 95% of the time....those numbers dont lie.

    McCain wants to cut taxes for the RICH...

    McCain denies affordable health care...

    McCain wants to leave us in Iraq for 100 years!

    His name should be John McSame, because he is just more of the same failed politics of the Bush administration..

    Its time for CHANGE!

  3. if you don't like either then vote for ron paul or ralph nader, or no one at all.

    but im voting for mccain.

  4. Why are you asking people on yahoo answers who you should vote for??  

  5. take this quiz. it will match you to the candidate that suits you based on your answers.

  6. go onto youtube and watch obama's speech from last night it will move you incredibly. PLEASE just go look it up!

    PLEASE vote democrat, republicans have already destroyed our country, we can't take another 4 years of it!

  7. Visit the League of Women Voters at

    They always do unbiased comparisons.  With the VP choices so recent, you'll want to follow up later to see how things pan out.

    I hope that you will seriously consider Obama.  I truly believe he can bring our divided nation together and rebuild America's reputation throughout the world.  Good luck with your research!

  8. I am voting for John McCain. This country is pure chaos and alot of people instantly sided with the candidates who are gonna pull troops out of Iraq. That was their primary way to win votes. Still, the 2 highest "Democrat" candidates were Barack Obama and HiIllary Clinton. If it was left at that, Obama would be my choice. Now, McCain is my choice. Even though he chose a woman as a vp, those people voting for obama had to make her look like trash. Come on, look at Bush on Kerry in 2004. it was almost the same "bush isnt a help" "pick kerry" then he won by the largest landslide. how can you be sure either will win? If you aren't sure, vote for a candidate who

    ISN'T Mccain or Obama.  

  9. The League of Women Voters gives lots of helpful information.  The website if  You must decide which issues are important to you, no candidate is going to be perfect.

    For instance, the last thing I would base my vote upon is a candidate's stance on abortion, but others may feel that's the most important issue.  So I might vote for a candidate who feels differently about abortion than I do if like his (or her) policies on the issues I feel most strongly about.

    **  I notice I'm the only one here who isn't telling you what to think.  I trust you will make a thoughtful decision on your own.  Good luck.

  10. I am 26 and this is the first time I will have voted. I must vote. This seems to be the most serious election of my lifetime, how can I not be a part of it. I feel like I am voting for the lesser of the two evils. I will vote for McCain, only because I would do anything to keep Obama out of office. I may have voted for Hillary in the primaries just to do my part in keeping him out of it if I was registered in time!

  11. If you truly want a pure country, to restore it back, and to give our children, and their children a better future, vote for Barack Obama. Our country is in enough debt and Jon McCain has voted 95% to all of Bush's policies, basically we will be having 4 more years of president Bush.Our country is in enough debt and we just cant afford it right now. Even if you are a republican, or you just dont like Obama...he will help our country out of succesion. Our economy has dropped a record low and we have horrible foreign policies. If you want a country in which you will have a better future, vote Obama!

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