
I need help determining the shared characteristics of non-living and living things?

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I have this summer honors Biology project that I have been working on for a while, and the objective is to choose/think of four (4)characteristics of living things and discuss, while also making sure to discuss any contradictions with that theory or fact. (Since some non-living things share similar properties with living things.)

I'm supposed to discuss why these non-living things that share proven characteristics of living things aren't living.

The characteristics of living things that I have chosen are 'cell(s), homeostasis, growth and development, and obtaining/ using energy.'

What contradictions are there with these four characteristics? Are there any non-living things that share any one of these characteristics?

I'm having a total mind block right now. Thank you so much for helping! I have to make all of my arguments solid and be able to defend my arguments come September and write an essay about it. I'm completely lost. =[





  1. Some random thoughts:

    The weather tends to be relatively homeostatic, or ocean temperatures? Crystals can grow. Using energy - solar panels, robots. Being made of cells is a tougher one, you could go for the counter example of viruses that are "alive" but don't have cells. Wikipedia also grows and develops.

  2. Viruses could be a big help to your argument. Technically they are classified as "non-living", but they do manage to maintain homeostasis and develop/evolve. Cars also obtain/use energy - gasoline powers the motors of many different objects.

    Even though the properties of "living" can classify things as "living", many of the properties are not exclusive to living organisms. Some of the ones you have provided are both shared properties of living and non-living.

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