
I need help does anyone know what it is like to be majorly depressed...?

by  |  earlier

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I am so depressed right now and feel hopeless, I have no where to turn and no one to talk to. I just feel like crying like crazy. I am at work right now and can not concentrate and I feel stressed to almost a breaking point. I don't need people to yell or be mean to me I just need to vent so if anyone has any good pity advise and kind words cause I am really feeling sorry for myself right now and no one else cares, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.




  1. Well, maybe some German directness can help. I stumbled upon your question when entering Yahoo!US, so don't be too worried about me by commanding you to do the following:

    - Go Home! Immediately!

    - Visit a pharmacy or drugstore and ask for a handful of St Johns Weed

    - Make a cup of tea of it

    - Sit down, relax. Drink your tea.

    - Sleep it over.

    And remember this: Nobody will ever take care of you if you don't do it yourself! If you lose fake friends: What have you lost?

  2. What Alwin E is suggesting is called St John's Wort in the US and Canada. It can help with depression.

    Stress is incredibly common, and it is more often than not accompanied by depression. You need to identify the root of the problem... and get some help! Counselling is available almost anywhere in US and Canada. Call your local Crisis Line and ask for information about what is available. There will be someone out there for you to talk to... and talking about the problem can be the most effective treatment for occasional depression.

    If you are suffering chronic clinical depression, medication might be what you need. But try the St. John's Wort first, it is much preferable to the anti-depressants on the market. Check with the pharmacist at your nearest drugstore. They have a huge amount of information available and will hand it out for free.

    Good luck, honey. It's not the end of the world, and there IS help out there for you.

  3. It happens to the best of us.  You need to take some steps to believe in yourself, and do your best to surround yourself with loved ones who really do care about you.  Even if it isn't to specifically talk about what is getting you down, just to be in that environment.

    I've also found through this website that, when I'm down, I start feeling better after helping some people.  Give others out there who are feeling the same as you some kind advice, some thoughtful words, and that may even make you feel better.

    You know that it's tough to feel alone in a situation like this, so why not help someone else out?  Then you have two people who don't feel alone!

  4. I don't have any great advice to offer but I am sorry to hear of your depression.  I can pray that God gives you some peace and the ability to see beyond the stresses and pain to some of the good things that you have in life.  I am sorry for what you are going through.

  5. i've suffrered from depression since i was 15 and two years ago before i met my (now) husband i think i may have suffred a total mental breakdown at the height of my depression, i didnt like where i was living and ended up being isolated from my friends and as i dont have any close family i found myself very alone, i stopped washing as much as i should stopped clearing up, ran myself into debt, i was working self employed, when i felt low because i didnt have much money i didnt go to work and it was a vicious circle. Its not a small problem or a problem that can be fixed with a cup tea or a good nights sleep.

    I have learned that i am the only one in control of my life and bad things happen to everyone, people work through their problems and although i still have trouble motivating myself and still have off days where i just dont make it into work and the world is collapsing and i'll never get the things i want ever, i treat everyday as a new start.

    Try writing a diary of your thoughts and feelings this is a good way to set your mind straight and surround yourself with friends, go to work everyday and remind yourself if you dont like your job you can change it, but you need the money and something steady in your life, but dont overwork yourself, see a doctor and get help from various charities.

    its easy for me to say i had a bad childhood etc but that gets me nowhere, i found that imagining my life starting at 18 is much better for myself, its hard to imagine what depression is like if you'venever suffered from it and other people may not understand as much as you would like but dont let that get you down dont pity yourself, action=motivation not the other way around x  

  6. im there right now! i couldnt really hold onto my last job because of it. still not working. but i am feeling a little better because i have been reading books like "Overcoming Depression" and trying to do things that used to make me feel good. i think it can be overcome but it takes time.

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