
I need help!!!!! ( embarassing )

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I know this might sound wierd but, I have a p***s ( i think ) growing out of my butt hole. Its wiggles around a lot and makes moaning noises. Sometimes the moaning noises sounds as if my a s s-p***s is singing? Would my a s s-p***s be a worthy contestant on american idol??




  1. WTF!!

  2. your g*y boyfriend left it there after the last encounter , don't worry he will come looking for it and take it away ,

  3. You know Simon, and you have heard your a s s-c**k.  Only you can answer that.

  4. uh are you sure you dont have a hemroid or something?

  5. your joking right you cant be serious this is dumb

  6. your joking right,did u just post this to pass the time or something? ur so funny!

  7. me too! oh and by the way having your a s s sing on american idol is considered lip syncing.SORRY!

  8. ur a funny @$$hole

  9. ok, your the funniest person ive ever read. i cant stop laughing.

    youre my new best friend, JC tha killa.

    (and now i obviously know your kidding)

    i think it would be.

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