
I need help fast my eye is messed up?

by  |  earlier

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i was taking a contact out of my eye and pinched the white part of my eye instead of the contact. There is a red line there now and surrounding it is pink. my eyes hurts from there now. please dont give me responces to see a doctor i need help now not tom.




  1. you bruised your eye... as long as you didn't split it open, you'll be fine (for now) put some ice on it. and wait for it............. and go see a doctor.  

  2. you've bruised ur eye u should see you eye doctor

  3. use some eye drops to get the red out than you gotta see a doctor tomorrow if it doesn't get better

  4. Give it a day or two and if it still hurts, then go to the doctor. The eye is one of the fastest healing organs in the body. If you are bleeding or there is any thing else coming out of your eye (besides tears), I'd go to the doctor right away. For now, just put an ice pack on your eye for a while and take some tylenol and it should feel better soon.

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