
I need help figuring out my feelings?

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i don't know whats wrong i feel as if i'm worried all the time i feel scared i feel sick i can't sleep at all no matter how much medication i take i don't feel like i have a reason to live i feel so alone i don't know what to do can i even be fixed is there even a problem or is it just me?




  1. I can't really help. But I can tell you that I feel really scared and anxious of everything and I'm always stressed. And I feel alone.  

  2. Do you have anything to worry about? Life is about ups and downs. It is natural to worry but realize like it says in the bible,worrying won't add life to your years but years to your life. However, if you feel you have excessive worrying like a constant feeling, I suggest seeing a psychologist he/she can recommend medicine for anxiety, depression or whatever you might have. I have mild depression and you must realize it is a chemical inbalance in the brain and mostly has nothing to do what you are going through but rather something going on in your mind that is unrelated to if you had a good or bad day. Depression causes volatile mood swings, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness etc. What helps me is doing exercise or being involved in activities so not to think of your emotions.  

  3. you have some thin going on your not telling , but that's ok. you need to try meditation . Find something that challenges your mind . Everybody gets this way but it should go too.Find some things about your day your room yourSELF that's you like and can appreciate , Write it down put it where you can see it. As new things come write them down add it to the list and before you know it you will fee better.  

  4. You need a goal, you need a plan, you ned to eat and exercise properly and you need 8 hours of sleep a night.  Getting a physical would not be a bad idea either.

  5. This is not really the place to ask this question.  Best for you is to get professional help.  Your feelings are not normal and the reason can be any number of things.

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