
I need help figuring out the right order for yu yu hakusho tv series dvd sets?

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There are so many episodes and volumes that I don't know which is which and what is the exact order for everything!




  1. All right, this should help you out a bit, here's a list of all the episodes broken down into the sagas they are part of.

    Yup, sure. Sorry, I would have posted them up yesterday with everything else, but I've been having some trouble with my left hand. I'll even break the DVDs down into their arcs/sagas for you.

    Spirit Detective Arc

    Vol. 1- Yusuke Lost, Yusuke Found

    Vol. 2- Artifacts of Darkness

    Vol. 3- A New Apprentice

    Maze Castle Arc

    Vol. 4- The Gate of Betrayal

    Vol. 5-  The Beasts of Maze Castle

    Vol. 6- Seven Ways to Die

    Rescue Yukina Arc

    Vol. 7- Rescue Yukina

    Dark Tournament Arc

    Vol. 8- The Dark Tournament Begins

    Vol. 9- Deathmatch

    Vol. 10- The Evil Dr. Ichigachi

    Vol. 11- Fairplay

    Vol. 12- The Rising Storm

    Vol. 13-Genkai's Test

    Vol. 14- No Return

    Vol. 15- Settle The Score

    Vol. 16-Yoko Kurama

    Vol. 17- Sword and Dragon

    Vol. 18- Deadly Toguro

    Vol. 19- Tournament's End

    Chapter Black Arc

    Vol. 20-  Terrible Truths

    Vol. 21- The Seven

    Vol. 22- Dark Indulgence

    Vol. 23- Dangerous Games

    Vol. 24- Old Rivals, New Problems

    Vol. 25- In The Blood

    Vol. 26- Born Anew

    Demon World Tournament Arc

    Vol. 27- Tempting Fate

    Vol. 28- Three Kingdoms

    Vol. 29- Bandits and Kings

    Vol. 30- King Urameshi

    Vol. 31- Dreams of Power

    Vol. 32- Yusuke Rediscovered

    So there's 112 episodes, and about three to four episodes per disc. There's also two movies- Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie takes place sometime after the Maze Castle arc, and the second movie, Yu Yu Hakusho Poltergist Report, takes place after the Dark Tournament's end. They do sell the DVDs in smaller box sets now, but I own all the invidual DVDs.

    I hope this helps you, and let me know if you need anything else.

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