
I need help figuring out what I should do?

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Hey I am 15 and starting tommorow I am a sophmore but it has been my biggest dream in the world to go to the university of Notre Dame. My family does not have the money to send me to college but I am willing to go into the rotc to fight for freedom. I have never got Notre Dame grade I got like mostly c's but some d's. But I am going to do totally better this year so my question is do I need to start doing greator is it a little to late. I have exactly three years to go. What if I get all a's in everything would I have a chance to go to notre dame. Thanks you everybody for answering




  1. Anything is possible. But that is a pretty difficult school to get into. If that is your goal, make school your number 1 priority. Pay attention in classes, study real hard, and talk to your teachers about your goal, and ask them how you can accomplish that. Make sure you have something to fall back on, and around your age, you should start to come up with a life plan. Try to work on getting a scholarship.

  2. You have a very strong chance of making it.  You have wonderful goals.  Notre Dame has scholarships, so you don't have to join the rotc to go there, just work hard on your grades, and do some volunteering and join groups at school, all of these really help on a college application--and will help get your scholarships too.

  3. Go for it.

    Often people find that when the get to a certain time in their schooling their grades change...sometimes down, sometimes up.

    Make friends with the nerds you like to study. make sure you know what you are doing and why. Put aside fun, but not all fun.

    And basically do your best, maybe you don't get to the one place you want to go, but if your grades improve it will benefit your future anyway.

  4. you do have time but you really need to crack down... you need to get all a's and b's.... alot of times they will look at your transcript and see yes he did bad freshmen year but look how he turned himself around... you also need to score very well on your SAT... the higher the score the lower your GPA can be.... and lastly get involved around the school.... they look for well rounded students and being involved is a way to show it.... if you work hard you can do it but it will take time and commitment..... Good Luck!!!!

  5. I wondered from your name if the reason for Notre Dame is that you want to play ball there. If that is the case and you're good enough, then the grades really won't matter that much. But you'll have to be really exceptional at your sport! An athletic scholarship will pay the cost as well. But if you want to go there because you're a good student, you'll have to start now. You may excel the next three years in high school and get in, but if you don't you can still get in later. Keep trying and eventually you'll have what you really, really want. It just may not come the way you think.

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