
I need help figuring out what my volleyball coach meant... she could mean one of two things..?

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Ok heres the story, i'm a freshmen volleyball player who has been a middle for all of my life, the varsity volleyball coach wants me to play right side from now on (being that i am left handed and tall). So she came up to me at a camp one day and said... "i was wondering if you would be able to come and play in my Junior Varsity scrimmage this sunday..." so im like ok... then she' said "now dont pee your pants when i tell you this but the reason i'm asking is because i am seriously looking at you playing in that spot next year." Now, if she meant that i was going to play right side next year, she wouldn't have said "dont pee your pants" because i knew that a long time ago... so i'm wondering if she means that i will be playing right side for the junior varsity team or if she just means that i will be playing right side for the ninth grade team year.




  1. Well the smart (and obvious) thing to do, is ask her what she meant by that comment. But don't ask her in front of all your other teammates, no one likes an arrogant teammate. And if I were in your shoes I would assume, she's not only going to be looking at you for the freshman team but for the junior varsity team as well. Don't get your hopes up for makin JV though. Not saying you won't make it, but there could be another girl that comes into town and takes that spot from you. Just be happy no matter what team you make, hundreds of girls would LOVE to play on the freshman team, so be honored if you make it.

  2. I think she meant you'll be playing right side on the JV team.  Or else, why would she have said "don't pee your pants"?  What does that suggest?  That you might pee your pants in excitement when you hear the news.  Her words don't suggest you already have the position, but you're in serious contention for it.  So go to the scrimmage and give it your all.  Good luck...and don't pee your pants!

  3. Why dont you just ask her?

    Its not like any of us know her or anything like that.

    We cant tell you, because we weren't there.

  4. i think she's meaning more of "now don't get too excited" or don't get your hopes up too high just incase she changes her mind.

    I hope you end up making JV! Good luck! and i hope i helped!

  5. This kinda happened to me... I played jv and suited up for varsity, but practiced with varsity and one day she said hit a few from the rightside. The next game I ended up playing letside the first game, right the second, and left the third for varsity my freshman year. If she wants you to play in the JV tourney she probably means JV team next year :)


  6. hmmm thats a good question.....if i were you i would think that it meant i would be playing JV but i dont know. i would definitely say that you should ask her, but dont say "oh am i playing for JV?" i would say "oh i was wondering about what you told me the other day...what exactly did you mean by that?" or you could blame it on your mom if you dont want to get embarrased...just say "oh ya i told my mom what oyu said and she wanted me to clarify for her what you meant."

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